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Application Domains
Software and Platforms
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Section: Application Domains


As tourism is a highly competitive domain, local tourism authorities have developed Web sites in order to offer of services to tourists. Unfortunately, the way information is organised does not necessarily meet Internet users expectations and numerous improvements are necessary to enhance their understanding of visited sites. Thus, even if only for economical reasons, the quality and the diversity of tourism packages have to be improved, for example by highlighting cultural heritage.

Again to illustrate our role in such a domain, Let us cite some past projects where AxIS is involved related mainly to Semantic Web Mining  (By Semantic Web Mining, we mean the mutual benefits between two communities Semantic Web and Web Mining). In our case, a) we exploit ontologies and semantic data for improving usage analysis, personalised services, the quality of results of search engines and for checking the content of an IS and also b) we exploit usage data for updating ontologies.) and Information Retrieval.