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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Regional partnership with computer science laboratories in Nantes

Participants : Anne Siegel, Jérémie Bourdon, Damien Eveillard, François Coste, Jacques Nicolas, Oumarou Abdou-Arbi, Vincent Picard, Santiago Videla, Sven Thiele.

Methodologies are developed in close collaboration with university of Nantes (LINA) and Ecole centrale Nantes (Irccyn). This is acted through the Biotempo and Idealg ANR projects and co-development of common software toolboxes within the Renabi-GO platform process. The Ph-D students V. Picard and J. Laniau are also co-supervised with members of the LINA laboratory.

Regional partnership in Marine Biology

Participants : Anne Siegel, Catherine Belleannée, Jérémie Bourdon, Jeanne Cambefort, François Coste, Damien Eveillard, Jacques Nicolas, Guillaume Collet, Clovis Galiez, Gaëlle Garet, Julie Laniau, Vincent Picard, Sylvain Prigent.

A strong application domain of the Dyliss project is marine Biology. This application domain is co-developped with the station biologique de Roscoff and their three UMR and involves several contracts. The IDEALG consortium is a long term project (10 years, ANR Investissement avenir) aiming at the development of macro-algae biotechnology. Among the research activities, we are particularly interested in the analysis and reconstruction of metabolism and the characterization of key enzymes. Other research contracts concern the modeling of the initiation of sea-urchin translation (former PEPS program Quantoursin, Ligue contre le cancer and ANR Biotempo), the analysis of extremophile archebacteria genomes and their PPI networks (former ANR MODULOME and PhD thesis of P.-F. Pluchon) and the identification of key actors implied in competition for light in the ocean (PELICAN ANR project).

Regional partnership with Inra and Health

Participants : Oumarou Abdou-Arbi, Geoffroy Andrieux, Aymeric Antoine-Lorquin, Catherine Belleannée, Charles Bettembourg, François Coste, Olivier Dameron, Michel Le Borgne, Jacques Nicolas, Anne Siegel, Valentin Wucher.

We have a strong and long term collaboration with biologists of INRA in Rennes : PEGASE and IGEEP units. This partnership is acted by the co-supervision of one post-doctorant and the co-supervision of several PhD students. The Ph-D thesis of O. Abdou-Arbi [11] and C. Bettembourg were supported by collaborations with the PEGASE laboratory [14] . This collaboration is also reinforced by collaboration within ANR contracts (Lepidolf, MirNadapt, FatInteger).

We also have a strong and long term collaboration with the IRSET laboratory at Univ. Rennes 1, acted by the defense of the co-supervised Ph-D thesis of G. Andrieux [12] . This partnership is reinforced by the ANR contract Biotempo. It was also supported in the framework of the previous CPER by a project, BasicLab, on a lab on chip for cell assays. Future studies will focus on the understanding of the metabolism of xenobiotics, funded by Anses.