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Section: Software and Platforms

uFLIP Benchmark

Participants : Luc Bouganim [correspondent] , Philippe Bonnet, Bjorn Jónsson, Lionel Le Folgoc.

It is amazingly easy to produce meaningless results when measuring flash devices, partly because of the peculiarity of flash memory, but primarily because their behavior is determined by layers of complex, proprietary, and undocumented software and hardware. uFLIP is a component benchmark for measuring the response time distribution of flash IO patterns, defined as the distribution of IOs in space and time. uFLIP includes a benchmarking methodology which takes into account the particular characteristics of flash devices. The source code of uFLIP, available on the web (700 downloads, 4000 distinct visitors), was registered at APP in 2009 [32] . It has been demonstrated at SIGMOD.

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