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Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Philippe Pucheral:

• Area Editor of the Information Systems international journal (2007-2013)

• General chair of BDA'2014

• PC member of EDBT'14, APVP’13, MOBIWIS'14

Luc Bouganim:

• PC member of EDBT'14, ICDE'14, HardDB'13

• President of the Inria Post-Doc and Delegation Commission

• Member of the Inria “Bureau du Comité des Projets” (BCP)

• Member of the Inria "Cordi-S (Inria PhD grant)" commission

Nicolas Anciaux:

• Co-chair and co-organiser of APVP'2013

• PC member of BDA 2013

• Member of the Inria " Commission des Développements Technologiques " (CDT)

• Member of the recruiting committee at Université Paris-Dauphine for the assistant professor position N°0230

Benjamin Nguyen:

• chair of BDA'2013 Demonstration Track

• co-chair and co-organiser of APVP'2013

• PC member of ICCSAMA'13 and ACOMP'2013

• Editorial Committee of TSI French Journal since 2012

• Member of the recruiting committees of Paris Dauphine and Paris VI

Iulian Sandu Popa:

• PC member of MOBILWARE'2013