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Complex scenes are usually composed of a large number of objects which may significantly differ in terms of complexity, diversity, and density. These objects must be identified and their structural relationships must be recovered in order to model the scenes with improved robustness, low complexity, variable levels of details and ultimately, semantization (automated process of increasing degree of semantic content).

Object classification is an ill-posed task in which the objects composing a scene are detected and recognized with respect to predefined classes, the objective going beyond scene segmentation. The high variability in each class may explain the success of the stochastic approach which is able to model widely variable classes. As it requires a priori knowledge this process is often domain-specific such as for urban scenes where we wish to distinguish between instances as ground, vegetation and buildings. Additional challenges arise when each class must be refined, such as roof super-structures for urban reconstruction.

Structure extraction consists in recovering structural relationships between objects or parts of object. The structure may be related to adjacencies between objects, hierarchical decomposition, singularities or canonical geometric relationships. It is crucial for effective geometric modeling through levels of details or hierarchical multiresolution modeling. Ideally we wish to learn the structural rules that govern the physical scene manufacturing. Understanding the main canonical geometric relationships between object parts involves detecting regular structures and equivalences under certain transformations such as parallelism, orthogonality and symmetry. Identifying structural and geometric repetitions or symmetries is relevant for dealing with missing data during data consolidation.

Data consolidation is a problem of growing interest for practitioners, with the increase of heterogeneous and defect-laden data. To be exploitable, such defect-laden data must be consolidated by improving the data sampling quality and by reinforcing the geometrical and structural relations sub-tending the observed scenes. Enforcing canonical geometric relationships such as local coplanarity or orthogonality is relevant for registration of heterogeneous or redundant data, as well as for improving the robustness of the reconstruction process.