Overall Objectives
Research Program
Application Domains
Highlights of the Year
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

CPER (2014-2020)

50 k€. Sylvain Lefebvre coordinates a work package for the CPER 2014-2020. It involves several members of ALICE as well as laboratories within the Nancy area (Institut Jean Lamour, LRGP, ERPI). Our goal is to consider the interaction between software and material in the additive manufacturing process, with a focus on filament-based printers.

PIC (2015-2017)

150 k€. The PIC project (Polymères Innovants Composites) is a collaboration between Inria, Institut Jean Lamour and Ateliers Cini, funded by Région Lorraine. The goal is to develop a new additive manufaturing process using filament of composite materials with applications in mechanical engineering and the medical domain. Our goal in the project is to provide novel ways to deposit the filament that is better suited to the considered materials and improves the quality of the final parts.