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Application Domains
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Section: Application Domains

Image Analysis

Participants : Alexis Arnaud, Aina Frau Pascual, Florence Forbes, Stéphane Girard, Pascal Rubini, Alessandro Chiancone, Thomas Perret, Pablo Mesejo Santiago.

As regards applications, several areas of image analysis can be covered using the tools developed in the team. More specifically, in collaboration with team Perception, we address various issues in computer vision involving Bayesian modelling and probabilistic clustering techniques. Other applications in medical imaging are natural. We work more specifically on MRI data, in collaboration with the Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience (GIN) and the NeuroSpin center of CEA Saclay. We also consider other statistical 2D fields coming from other domains such as remote sensing, in collaboration with Laboratoire de Planétologie de Grenoble. We worked on hyperspectral images. In the context of the "pole de competivite" project I-VP, we worked of images of PC Boards.