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Section: New Results

Certified Static Analyses

Certified Semantics and Analyses for JavaScript

Participants : Martin Bodin, Gurvan Cabon, Thomas Jensen, Alan Schmitt.

We have continued our work on the certification of the semantics of JavaScript and of analyses for JavaScript on three different fronts.

First, on the language side, we have developed at tool in collaboration with Arthur Charguéraud (Inria Saclay) and Thomas Wood (Imperial College) to interactively explore the specification of JavaScript. More precisely, we have written a compiler for a subset of OCaml to a subset of JavaScript that generates an interpreter that can be executed step by step, inspecting both the state of the interpreted program but also the state of the interpreter. We have used this compiler on the JavaScript interpreter extracted from our Coq semantics of JavaScript. The resulting tool is available here and a demo can be run here. The tool has been presented to the Ecma TC39 committee in charge of standardizing JavaScript. We are currently identifying the improvements required to make it useful for the standardization process.

Second, Bodin, Schmitt, and Jensen have designed an abstract domain based on separation logic to faithfully abstract JavaScript heaps. This domain is able to capture interlinked dynamic and extensible objects, a central feature of the JavaScript memory model. In addition, we have introduced the notion of membranes that let us correctly define abstractions in a way that is compatible both with separation logic and abstract interpretation. As an extension of last year's work  [32], this approach is globally correct as soon as each rule is independently proven correct. This result illustrates the robustness of our approach to define certified abstract semantics based on pretty-big-step semantics. This work has not yet been published.

Third, Cabon and Schmitt are developing a framework to automatically derive an information-flow tracking semantics from a pretty-big-step semantics. We have manually shown the approach works for complex examples, and are currently proving it in Coq. This work is submitted for publication.

Certified Analyses for C and lower-level programs

Participants : Sandrine Blazy, David Pichardie, Alix Trieu.

We have continued our work on the static analyzer Verasco  [37], based on abstract interpretation and operating over most of the ISO C 1999 language (excluding recursion and dynamic allocation). Verasco establishes the absence of run-time errors in the analyzed programs. It enjoys a modular architecture that supports the extensible combination of multiple abstract domains. We have extended the memory abstract domain (that takes as argument any standard numerical abstract domain), so that it finely tracks properties about memory contents, taking into account union types, pointer arithmetic and type casts [19]. This memory domain is implemented and verified inside the Coq proof assistant with respect to the CompCert compiler memory model.

Motivated by applications to security and high efficiency, we are reusing the Verasco static analyzer and the CompCert compiler in order to design a lightweight and automated methodology for validating on low-level intermediate representations the results of a source-level static analysis. Our methodology relies on two main ingredients: a relative-safety checker, an instance of a relational verifier which proves that a program is safer than another, and a transformation of programs into defensive form which verifies the analysis results at runtime.