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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Inria Project Lab (IPL): ModeliScale, Languages and Compilation for Cyber-Physical System Design

The project gathers researchers from three Inria teams, and from three other research labs in Grenoble and Paris area.

Table 1.
Name Team Inria Center or Laboratory
Vincent Acary Bipop Inria Grenoble Rhône Alpes
Albert Benveniste Hycomes Inria Rennes
Benoît Caillaud Bretagne Atlantique
Khalil Ghorbal
Marc Pouzet Parkas ENS
Tim Bourke Inria Paris
Goran Frehse Tempo Verimag-univ. Grenoble Alpes
Antoine Girard L2S-CNRS, Saclay
Eric Goubault Cosynus LIX, École Polytechnique,
Sylvie Putot Saclay

The main objective of ModeliScale is to advance modeling technologies (languages, compile-time analyses, simulation techniques) for CPS combining physical interactions, communication layers and software components. We believe that mastering CPS comprising thousands to millions of components requires radical changes of paradigms. For instance, modeling techniques must be revised, especially when physics is involved. Modeling languages must be enhanced to cope with larger models. This can only be done by combining new compilation techniques (to master the structural complexity of models) with new mathematical tools (new numerical methods, in particular).

MiodeliScale gathers a broad scope of experts in programming language design and compilation (reactive synchronous programming), numerical solvers (nonsmooth dynamical systems) and hybrid systems modeling and analysis (guaranteed simulation, verification). The research program is carried out in close cooperation with the Modelica community as well as industrial partners, namely, Dassault Systèmes as a Modelica/FMI tool vendor, and EDF and Engie as end users.