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Section: New Results

Applications in Social Networks

Participant : Eitan Altman.

Posting behavior

In [10], Eitan Altman, together with A. Masson (SAFRAN Group, formerly with Maestro ) and Y. Hayel (UAPV), pursue two objectives. First they model the posting behaviour of publishers in Social Networks which have externalities. Secondly, they propose content active filtering in order to increase content diversity from different publishers. By externalities, is meant that when the quantity of posted contents from a specific publisher impacts the popularity of other posted contents. The authors introduce a dynamical model to describe the posting behaviour of publishers taking into account these externalities. This model is based on stochastic approximations and sufficient conditions are provided to ensure its convergence to a unique rest point. A closed form of this rest point is provided, and it is shown that it can be obtained as the unique equilibrium of a non-cooperative game. Content Active Filtering (CAF) are actions taken by the administrator of the Social Network in order to promote some objectives related to the quantity of contents posted in various contents. An objective of the CAF can be maximizing the diversity of posted contents. Finally, the authors illustrate their results through numerical simulations and they validate them with real data extracted from social networks.