Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Maxime Amblard:

    • coordinator of the SLAM project (MSH-Lorraine - PEPS HuMaIn),

    • organizer and chair of the workshop (In)Cohérence du discourshttp://webloria.loria.fr/~amblard/SLAM/index.php?n=Main.In-coh%E9rence13 ,

    • member (elected) of the “conseil d'UFR" of the UFR mathematics and computer science, Université de Lorraine,

    • membre (elected) of the “conseil de laboratoire" - Loria,

    • member (elected) of the “conseil scientifique" of the Université de Lorraine,

    • member of the CA of the french scientific association for natural language processing : ATALA,

    • member of the “comité de sélection" McF 0542 Loria - Université de Lorraine,

    • member of the scientific committee of conference. Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN) 2013.

  • Philippe de Groote:

    • area editor of the FoLLI-LNCS series,

    • associate editor of Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation,

    • member of the editorial board of Cahiers du Centre de Logique (CNRL-NCNL, Belgium).

  • Karën Fort:

    • coordinator for the inter-annotator agreement working group, including researchers from LIMSI (Orsay), LNE (Trappes), GREYC (Caen),

    • co-writer of the Ethics and Big Data Charter http://wiki.ethique-big-data.org ,

    • expert for the CNRS linguistic federations (TUL and ILF) and DGLFLF (Délégation Générale à la Langue Française et aux Langues de France) concerning the digitalization and archiving process for oral corpora, under the supervision of B. Habert (ENS of Lyon): interviews of the participants, analysis of the process and audit report,

    • member of the CA of the french scientific association for natural language processing : ATALA,

    • member of the scientific committee of the conferences Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN) 2013, Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW) 2013, International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2013),  

    • reviewer for the journal Language and Linguistics Compass,

    • Subreviewer for the conference CICLing 2013.

  • Bruno Guillaume:

    • head of the department “Knowledge & Language management” of the LORIA laboratory (since Sep 2013),

    • member (elected) of the “pôle scientifique” AM2I of Université de Lorraine,

    • member of the COMIPERS Inria Nancy Grand-Est.

  • Guy Perrier:

    • member of the editorial board of the journal Traitement Automatique des Langues,

    • member of the scientific committee of the conference Traitement Automatique de Langues Naturelles (TALN) 2013,

    • member of the program committee of the conference PolTAL 2014, which will be held in Warsaw, Poland.

  • Sylvain Pogodalla:

    • member of the editorial board of the journal Traitement Automatique des Langues,

    • coordinator of the POLYMNIE ANR Project.

    • local coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Master program Language and Communication Technologies for the Université de Lorraine,

    • member of the program committee of conference Journées francophones des langages applicatifs (JFLA) 2014,

    • member of the scientific committee of conference Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN) 2013,

    • member of the Inria Nancy research scientist (CR2) hiring committee,

    • commentator of a paper at the Tsinghua Logic Conference, Beijing, 14-16 October 2013. It has been published in [17] .