
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1M. Andries, O. Simonin, F. Charpillet.

    Localisation of humans, objects and robots interacting on load-sensing floors, in: IEEE Sensors Journal, 2015, vol. PP, no 99, 12 p. [ DOI : 10.1109/JSEN.2015.2493122 ]

  • 2A. Broggi, A. Zelinsky, U. Ozguner, C. Laugier.

    Intelligent Vehicles, in: Handbook of Robotics 2nd Edition, B. Siciliano, O. Khatib (editors), April 2016.

  • 3J. S. Dibangoye, O. Buffet, O. Simonin.

    Structural Results for Cooperative Decentralized Control Models, in: 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2015, pp. 46–52.
  • 4J. Kaiser, A. Martinelli, F. Fontana, D. Scaramuzza.

    Simultaneous State Initialization and Gyroscope Bias Calibration in Visual Inertial aided Navigation, in: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, January 2016.

  • 5A. Martinelli.

    Closed-form solution of visual-inertial structure from motion, in: International Journal of Computer Vision, August 2013, online p.

  • 6P. Papadakis, A. Spalanzani, C. Laugier.

    Social Mapping of Human-Populated Environments by Implicit Function Learning, in: IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Tokyo, Japan, 2013.

  • 7M.-I. Popescu, H. Rivano, O. Simonin.

    Multi-robot Patrolling in Wireless Sensor Networks using Bounded Cycle Coverage, in: ICTAI 2016 28th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, San Jose, United States, IEEE, November 2016.

  • 8T. Rakotovao, J. Mottin, D. Puschini, C. Laugier.

    Multi-sensor fusion of occupancy grids based on integer arithmetic, in: In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2016.
  • 9A. Spalanzani, J. Rios-Martinez, C. Laugier, S. Lee.

    Risk Based Navigation Decisions, in: Handbook of Intelligent Vehicles, A. Eskandarian (editor), Springer Verlag, February 2012, vol. 1.

  • 10D. Vasquez.

    Novel Planning-based Algorithms for Human Motion Prediction, in: IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2016, forthcoming.

Publications of the year

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 11J. S. Dibangoye, C. Amato, O. Buffet, F. Charpillet.

    Optimally Solving Dec-POMDPs as Continuous-State MDPs, in: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, February 2016, vol. 55, pp. 443-497. [ DOI : 10.1613/jair.4623 ]

  • 12J. Kaiser, A. Martinelli, F. Fontana, D. Scaramuzza.

    Simultaneous State Initialization and Gyroscope Bias Calibration in Visual Inertial aided Navigation, in: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, January 2016.


Articles in National Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 13M. Tlig, O. Buffet, O. Simonin.

    Intersections intelligentes pour le contrôle de véhicules sans pilote : coordination locale et optimisation globale, in: Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série RIA : Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, 2016.


Invited Conferences

  • 14C. Laugier.

    Bayesian Perception & Decision for Autonomous Vehicles and Mobile Robots (Invited Talk), in: IEEE ICIT 2016, Taipei, Taiwan, Prof Ren Luo, March 2016.

  • 15C. Laugier.

    Embedded Bayesian Perception & Decision-making for Autonomous Mobility in Dynamic Human Environments (Invited Talk), in: Robotics Symposium, CUHK Robotics Institute, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China, April 2016.

  • 16C. Laugier.

    Embedded Perception & Risk Assessment for next Cars Generation (Invited Talk), in: Asprom-Cap’Tronic-UIMM seminar: “De la voiture connectée à la voiture Autonome : Technologies, Enjeux et Applications », Paris, France, Asprom-Cap’Tronic-UIMM, February 2016.

  • 17C. Laugier.

    Towards Fully Autonomous Driving ? The Perception & Decision-making bottleneck (Plenary Talk), in: IEEE ARSO 2016, Shanghai, China, Proceedings of IEEE ARSO 2016, July 2016, vol. 2016.


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 18M. Barbier, C. Laugier, O. Simonin, J. Ibanez-Guzman.

    Functional Discretization of Space Using Gaussian Processes for Road Intersection, in: 2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2016), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, proceedings of the 2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2016, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, November 2016, 7 p.

  • 19S.-G. Chitic, J. Ponge, O. Simonin.

    SDfR -Service discovery for multi-robot systems, in: ICAART 2016 The 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Rome, Italy, February 2016.

  • 20J. Cohen, L. Matignon, O. Simonin.

    Incremental and adaptive multi-robot mapping for human scene observation, in: ICTAI 2016 28th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, San Jose, United States, IEEE, November 2016.

  • 21J. Kaiser, A. Martinelli, F. Fontana, D. Scaramuzza.

    Simultaneous State Initialization and Gyroscope Bias Calibration in Visual Inertial aided Navigation, in: ICRA 2016, stockholm, Sweden, May 2016.

  • 22V. Karakkat Narayanan, A. Spalanzani, M. Babel.

    A semi-autonomous framework for human-aware and user intention driven wheelchair mobility assistance, in: IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'16, Daejeon, South Korea, October 2016, pp. 4700-4707.

  • 23V. Karakkat Narayanan, A. Spalanzani, R. C. Luo, M. Babel.

    Analysis of an adaptive strategy for equitably approaching and joining human interactions, in: IEEE Int. Symp. on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RO-MAN, New-York, United States, IEEE Int. Symp. on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RO-MAN, August 2016.

  • 24C. Laugier, J. Chartre.

    Intelligent Perception and Situation Awareness for Automated vehicles, in: Conference GTC Europe 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 2016.

  • 25M.-I. Popescu, H. Rivano, O. Simonin.

    Multi-robot Patrolling in Wireless Sensor Networks using Bounded Cycle Coverage, in: ICTAI 2016 28th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, San Jose, United States, IEEE, November 2016.

  • 26D. Sierra González, J. S. Dibangoye, C. Laugier.

    High-Speed Highway Scene Prediction Based on Driver Models Learned From Demonstrations, in: Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2016), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 2016.

  • 27D. Vasquez.

    Novel Planning-based Algorithms for Human Motion Prediction, in: IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2016, forthcoming.


National Conferences with Proceedings

  • 28J. Saraydaryan, F. Jumel, O. Simonin.

    Patrouille Multi-Agent Dynamique, application en Robotique au Service de Personnes Mobiles, in: Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA) 2016, Rouen, France, October 2016.


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 29J. Chartre, L. Rummelhard, A. Nègre, J.-A. David, J. Lussereau, C. Laugier.

    Situation Awareness for Intelligent Mobility in Dynamic Environments IRT Nanoelec Perfect Platform, in: 5th International conference on Machine Control & Guidance, Vichy, France, October 2016.

  • 30J. Saraydaryan, F. Jumel, O. Simonin.

    Modeling human flows from robots perception : application to navigation in dynamic environment, in: RSS Workshop On-line decision-making in multi-robot coordination, Ann Arbor, United States, June 2016.


Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 31A. Broggi, A. Zelinsky, U. Ozguner, C. Laugier.

    Handbook of Robotics 2nd edition, Chapter 62 on "Intelligent Vehicles", in: Handbook of Robotics 2nd Edition, B. Siciliano, O. Khatib (editors), July 2016.


Other Publications

  • 32C. Laugier.

    Autnonomous Vehicles: Societal and Technological Evolution (Invited Contribution), December 2016, Table ronde "Vehicule Autonome et Ville de Demain - Technologie, Business et Société: Quels enjeux ?" Issy-les-Moulineaux.

  • 33C. Laugier.

    Bayesian Perception & Decision for Autonomous Vehicles and Mobile Robots: From Research to Industrial Applications, March 2016, Invited talk at MediaTek, Taipei.

  • 34C. Laugier.

    Bayesian Perception & Decision-making for Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environments (Invited Talk), April 2016, Invited talk at CityU Hong Kong.

References in notes
  • 35P. Abbeel, A. Ng.

    Apprenticeship learning via inverse reinforcement learning, in: Proceedings of the 21st international conference on machine learning, 2004. [ DOI : 10.1145/1015330.1015430 ]

  • 36P. Abbeel, A. Y. Ng.

    Apprenticeship learning via inverse reinforcement learning, in: Machine Learning, Proceedings of the Twenty-first International Conference (ICML) 2004, Banff, Alberta, Canada, July 4-8, 2004, 2004. [ DOI : 10.1145/1015330.1015430 ]
  • 37G. Aoude, B. Luders, K. Lee, D. Levine, J. How.

    Threat assessment design for driver assistance system at intersections, in: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2010 13th International IEEE Conference on, sept. 2010, pp. 1855 -1862.
  • 38L. Armesto, J. Tornero, M. Vincze.

    Fast Ego-motion Estimation with Multi-rate Fusion of Inertial and Vision, in: The Int. J. of Rob. Research, 2007, vol. 26, no 6, pp. 577–589.
  • 39R. E. Bellman.

    Dynamic Programming, Dover Publications, Incorporated, 1957.
  • 40B. Belo.

    3 Known Landmarks are Enough for Solving Planar Bearing SLAM and Fully Reconstruct Unknown Inputs, in: Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, 2010.
  • 41M. Bennewitz, W. Burgard, G. Cielniak, S. Thrun.

    Learning motion patterns of people for compliant robot motion, in: Int. J. of Robot. Res., 2005, vol. 24, pp. 31–48.
  • 42C. Coué, C. Pradalier, C. Laugier, T. Fraichard, P. Bessière.

    Bayesian Occupancy Filtering for Multi-Target Tracking: an Automotive Application, in: Int. Journal of Robotics Research, January 2006, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 19–30.
  • 43J. S. Dibangoye, C. Amato, O. Buffet, F. Charpillet.

    Exploiting Separability in Multiagent Planning with Continuous-State MDPs (Extended Abstract), in: 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2015, pp. 4254–4260.
  • 44G. Ferrer, A. Sanfeliu.

    Bayesian Human Motion Intentionality Prediction in urban environments, in: Pattern Recognition Letters, 2014, vol. 44, no 0, pp. 134 - 140, Pattern Recognition and Crowd Analysis. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.patrec.2013.08.013 ]

  • 45C. Forster, L. Carlone, F. Dellaert, D. Scaramuzza.

    IMU Preintegration on Manifold for Efficient Visual-Inertial Maximum-a-Posteriori Estimation, in: RSS, 2015.
  • 46C. Forster, M. Pizzoli, D. Scaramuzza.

    SVO: Fast Semi-Direct Monocular Visual Odometry, in: ICRA, 2014.
  • 47C. Fulgenzi, A. Spalanzani, C. Laugier.

    Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance in uncertain environment combining PVOs and Occupancy Grid, in: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2007, pp. 1610–1616.
  • 48C. Fulgenzi, C. Tay, A. Spalanzani, C. Laugier.

    Probabilistic navigation in dynamic environment using Rapidly-exploring Random Trees and Gaussian Processes, in: IEEE/RSJ 2008 International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems, France Nice, 2008.

  • 49A. Furda, L. Vlacic.

    Enabling Safe Autonomous Driving in Real-World City Traffic Using Multiple Criteria Decision Making, in: Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, IEEE, Spring 2011, vol. 3, no 1, pp. 4-17. [ DOI : 10.1109/MITS.2011.940472 ]
  • 50T. Gindele, S. Brechtel, R. Dillmann.

    Learning Driver Behavior Models from Traffic Observations for Decision Making and Planning, in: IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 2015, vol. 7, no 1, pp. 69–79. [ DOI : 10.1109/MITS.2014.2357038 ]
  • 51J. Hesch, D. Kottas, S. Bowman, S. Roumeliotis.

    Consistency analysis and improvement of vision-aided inertial navigation, in: Trans. on Rob., 2014, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 158–176.
  • 52G. Huang, M. Kaess, J. J. Leonard.

    Towards consistent visual-inertial navigation, in: Int. Conf. Rob. Aut., 2015.
  • 53G. P. Huang, A. Mourikis, S. Roumeliotis.

    An observability-constrained sliding window filter for SLAM, IEEE, 2011, pp. 65–72.
  • 54Inria.

    Bayesian Embedded Perception, 2016.

  • 55Inria.

    Perfect Project: Towards the autonomous car, 2016.

  • 56K. M. Kitani, B. D. Ziebart, J. A. Bagnell, M. Hebert.

    Activity Forecasting, in: Computer Vision – ECCV 2012: 12th European Conference on Computer Vision, Florence, Italy, October 7-13, 2012, Proceedings, Part IV, A. Fitzgibbon, S. Lazebnik, P. Perona, Y. Sato, C. Schmid (editors), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.
  • 57C. Laugier, A. Martinelli, D. A. Vasquez.

    Mooc Mobile Robots and Autonomous Vehicles, May 2015, Lecture - International Mooc Course from Inria-uTOP. First edition in May 2015, second edition in February 2016.

  • 58C. Laugier, I. Paromtchik, M. Perrollaz, Y. Mao, J.-D. Yoder, C. Tay, K. Mekhnacha, A. Nègre.

    Probabilistic Analysis of Dynamic Scenes and Collision Risk Assessment to Improve Driving Safety, in: Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, November 2011, vol. 3, no 4.

  • 59A. Lawitzky, D. Althoff, C. F. Passenberg, G. Tanzmeister, D. Wollherr, M. Buss.

    Interactive scene prediction for automotive applications, in: 2013 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Gold Coast City, Australia, June 23-26, 2013, 2013, pp. 1028–1033. [ DOI : 10.1109/IVS.2013.6629601 ]
  • 60S. Lefèvre, R. Bajcsy, C. Laugier.

    Probabilistic Decision Making for Collision Avoidance Systems: Postponing Decisions, in: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Tokyo, Japan, 2013.

  • 61S. Lefèvre, D. Vasquez, C. Laugier.

    A survey on motion prediction and risk assessment for intelligent vehicles, in: Robomech, July 2014, vol. 1, no 1.
  • 62S. Leutenegger, P. Furgale, V. Rabaud, M. Chli, K. Konolige, R. Siegwart.

    Keyframe-based visual-inertial odometry using nonlinear optimization, in: Int. J. of Rob. Res., 2014.
  • 63M. Li, a. I. Mourikis.

    High-precision, consistent EKF-based visual-inertial odometry, in: The Int. J. of Rob. Research, 2013, vol. 32, no 6, pp. 690–711.
  • 64Y. Liu, U. Ozguner.

    Human Driver Model and Driver Decision Making for Intersection Driving, in: Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2007 IEEE, June 2007, pp. 642-647. [ DOI : 10.1109/IVS.2007.4290188 ]
  • 65J.-L. Lu, F. Valois.

    Performance evaluation of 802.11 WLAN in a real indoor environment, in: 2006 IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, 2006, pp. 140–147.
  • 66T. Lupton, S. Sukkarieh.

    Visual-inertial-aided navigation for high-dynamic motion in built environments without initial conditions, in: Trans. on Rob., 2012, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 61–76.
  • 67J. Lussereau, P. Stein, J.-A. David, L. Rummelhard, A. Negre, C. Laugier, N. Vignard, G. Othmezouri.

    Integration of ADAS algorithm in a Vehicle Prototype, in: IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts ARSO 2015, LYON, France, July 2015.

  • 68A. Martinelli.

    State Estimation based on the Concept of Continuous Symmetry and Observability Analysis: The Case of Calibration, in: IEEE Transactions on Robotics, May 2011.

  • 69A. Martinelli.

    Vision and IMU Data Fusion: Closed-Form Solutions for Attitude, Speed, Absolute Scale and Bias Determination, in: Transaction on Robotics, 2012, vol. 28, no 1.
  • 70A. Martinelli.

    Closed-form solution of visual-inertial structure from motion, in: International Journal of Computer Vision, August 2013, online p.

  • 71A. Martinelli.

    Observabilty Properties and Deterministic Algorithms in Visual-Inertial Structure from Motion, in: Foundations and Trends in Robotics (FnTROB), December 2013, pp. 1–75. [ DOI : 10.1088/1742-5468/2014/03/P03003 ]

  • 72A. Martinelli.

    Extension of the observability rank condition to nonlinear systems driven by unknown inputs, in: MED 2015, torremolinos, Spain, June 2015. [ DOI : 10.1109/MED.2015.7158811 ]

  • 73A. Martinelli.

    Nonlinear Unknown Input Observability: Analytical expression of the observable codistribution in the case of a single unknown input, in: SIAM - CT15, Paris, France, July 2015. [ DOI : 10.1137/1.9781611974072.2 ]

  • 74A. Mourikis, S. Roumeliotis.

    A multi-state constraint Kalman filter for vision-aided inertial navigation, in: Int. Conf. on Rob. and Aut. (ICRA), IEEE, 2007, pp. 3565–3572.
  • 75A. Y. Ng, S. J. Russell.

    Algorithms for Inverse Reinforcement Learning, in: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2000), Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, June 29 - July 2, 2000, 2000, pp. 663–670.
  • 76A. Nègre, L. Rummelhard, C. Laugier.

    Hybrid Sampling Bayesian Occupancy Filter, in: IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Dearborn, United States, June 2014.

  • 77A. Pandey, R. Alami.

    A framework towards a socially aware Mobile Robot motion in Human-Centered dynamic environment, in: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, oct. 2010, pp. 5855 -5860.
  • 78P. Pinies, L. M. Paz, P. Newman.

    Too Much TV is Bad: Dense Reconstruction from Sparse Laser with Non-convex Regularisation, in: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2015, pp. 135 – 142.
  • 79T. Rakotovao, J. Mottin, D. Puschini, C. Laugier.

    Integration of Multi-sensor Occupancy Grids into Automotive ECUs, in: In Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Design Automation Conference, DAC '16, New York, NY, USA, 2016. ACM., 2016.
  • 80T. Rakotovao, J. Mottin, D. Puschini, C. Laugier.

    Multi-sensor fusion of occupancy grids based on integer arithmetic, in: In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2016.
  • 81C. E. Rasmussen.

    Gaussian processes for machine learning, MIT Press, 2006.
  • 82V. Romero-Cano, N. Vignard, C. Laugier.

    Electronic device, system and method for augmenting image data of a passive optical sensor, 2016.
  • 83V. Romero-cano, N. Vignard, C. Laugier.

    XDvision: Dense & Robust Outdoor Perception for Autonomous Vehicles, in: Submitted to International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2017), 2016.
  • 84L. Rummelhard, A. Negre, C. Laugier.

    Conditional Monte Carlo Dense Occupancy Tracker, in: 18th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Las Palmas, Spain, September 2015.

  • 85L. Rummelhard, A. Nègre, M. Perrollaz, C. Laugier.

    Probabilistic Grid-based Collision Risk Prediction for Driving Application, in: ISER, Marrakech/Essaouira, Morocco, June 2014.

  • 86S. Saeedi, M. Trentini, M. Seto, H. Li.

    Multiple-Robot Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: A Review, in: J. Field Robot., January 2016, vol. 33, no 1, pp. 3–46.

  • 87J. Saraydaryan, F. Jumel, O. Simonin.

    Robots Delivering Services to Moving People : Individual vs. Group Patrolling Strategies, in: The 2015 IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO 2015), Lyon, France, IEEE, July 2015.

  • 88W. Schwarting, P. Pascheka.

    Recursive conflict resolution for cooperative motion planning in dynamic highway traffic, in: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on, Oct 2014, pp. 1039-1044. [ DOI : 10.1109/ITSC.2014.6957825 ]
  • 89O. Simonin, F. Charpillet, E. Thierry.

    Revisiting wavefront construction with collective agents: an approach to foraging, in: Swarm Intelligence, June 2014, vol. 8, no 2, pp. 113-138. [ DOI : 10.1007/s11721-014-0093-3 ]

  • 90A. Spalanzani, J. Rios-Martinez, C. Laugier, S. Lee.

    Risk Based Navigation Decisions, in: Handbook of Intelligent Vehicles, A. Eskandarian (editor), Springer Verlag, February 2012, vol. 1.

  • 91M. Tanner, P. Piniés, L. Paz, P. Newman.

    What Lies Behind: Recovering Hidden Shape in Dense Mapping, in: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2016, pp. 979–986. [ DOI : 10.1109/ICRA.2016.7487230 ]

  • 92C. Tay, C. Laugier.

    Modelling Smooth Paths Using Gaussian Processes, in: International Conference on Field and Service Robotics, 2007.

  • 93C. Tay, C. Laugier.

    Modelling Smooth Paths Using Gaussian Processes, in: Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Field and Service Robotics, Chamonix, France, 2007, voir basilic : http://emotion.inrialpes.fr/bibemotion/2007/TL07/.

  • 94S. Thrun, W. Burgard, D. Fox.

    Probabilistic Robotics, The MIT Press, 2005.
  • 95G. D. Tipaldi, K. O. Arras.

    I want my coffee hot! Learning to find people under spatio-temporal constraints, in: ICRA, IEEE, 2011, pp. 1217–1222.
  • 96M. Tlig, O. Buffet, O. Simonin.

    Stop-Free Strategies for Traffic Networks: Decentralized On-line Optimization, in: ECAI 2014 - 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 18-22 August 2014, Prague, Czech Republic - Including Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS 2014), 2014, pp. 1191–1196.

  • 97D. Vasquez, Y. Yu, S. Kumar, C. Laugier.

    An open framework for human-like autonomous driving using Inverse Reinforcement Learning, in: IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2014.
  • 98D. A. Vasquez Govea, T. Fraichard, C. Laugier.

    Growing Hidden Markov Models: An Incremental Tool for Learning and Predicting Human and Vehicle Motion, in: International Journal of Robotics Research, 2009, vol. 28, no 11-12, pp. 1486-1506.

  • 99J. Von Neumann, O. Morgenstern.

    Theory of games and economic behavior, Princeton University Press, 2007.
  • 100J. Von Neumann, O. Morgenstern.

    Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, Princeton University Press, 1944.
  • 101B. D. Ziebart, A. L. Maas, J. A. Bagnell, A. K. Dey.

    Maximum Entropy Inverse Reinforcement Learning, in: Proceedings of the Twenty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2008, Chicago, Illinois, USA, July 13-17, 2008, 2008, pp. 1433–1438.

  • 102B. D. Ziebart, N. Ratliff, G. Gallagher, C. Mertz, K. Peterson, J. A. Bagnell, M. Hebert, A. K. Dey, S. Srinivasa.

    Planning-based Prediction for Pedestrians, in: Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Piscataway, NJ, USA, IROS'09, 2009, pp. 3931–3936.