Overall Objectives
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Section: Overall Objectives

Overall Objectives

The team develops and analyzes stochastic models and probabilistic numerical methods. The present fields of applications are in fluid mechanics, molecular dynamics, chemical kinetics, neuroscience, population dynamics, and financial mathematics.

The problems where stochastic models arise are numerous, and the critical reasons for which stochastic models are used make analysis and simulations difficult.

The Tosca team thus aims to develop calibration and simulation methods for stochastic models in cases where singularities in the coefficients or boundary conditions make them hard to discretize and estimate. For this, we are willing to tackle theoretical and numerical questions which are motivated by real applications.

We are interested in developing stochastic numerical methods and transverse methodologies that cover several fields of applications, instead of having chosen a particular field of application (e.g., Biology, or Fluid Mechanics, or Chemistry). We justify this way to proceed as follows:

The Tosca team is currently studying models in relation with Geophysics, Neuroscience, Fluid Mechanics, Chemical Kinetics, Meteorology, Molecular Dynamics, Population Dynamics, Evolutionary Dynamics and Finance. We also construct and study stochastic particle systems for Fluid Mechanics, coagulation–fragmentation, stationary nonlinear PDEs, variance reduction techniques for Monte-Carlo computations and numerical methods combining deterministic and stochastic steps to solve nonlinear PDEs in Finance.