Overall Objectives
Research Program
Application Domains
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Overall Objectives


LEAR's main focus is learning-based approaches to visual object recognition and scene interpretation. Understanding the content of everyday images and videos is one of the fundamental challenges of computer vision, and our approach is based on developing state-of-the-art visual models along with machine learning and statistical modeling techniques.

Key problems in computer vision are robust image and video representations. We have over the past years developed robust image descriptions invariant to different image transformations and illumination changes. We have more recently concentrated on the problem of robust object and videos representations. The descriptions can be either low-level or build on mid or high-level descriptions.

In order to deal with large quantities of visual data and to extract relevant information automatically, we develop machine learning techniques that can handle the huge volumes of data that image and video collections contain. We also want to handle noisy training data and to combine vision with textual data as well as to capture enough domain information to allow generalization from just a few images rather than having to build large, carefully marked-up training databases. Furthermore, the selection and coupling of image descriptors and learning techniques is today often done by hand, and one significant challenge is the automation of this process, for example using automatic feature learning.

LEAR's main research areas are: