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Research Program
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Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 2J. Blazewicz, N. Cheriere, P.-F. Dutot, J. Musial, D. Trystram.
    Novel dual discounting functions for the Internet shopping optimization problem: new algorithms, in: Journal of Scheduling, 2014. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10951-014-0390-0 ]
  • 3R. Bleuse, S. Kedad-Sidhoum, F. Monna, G. Mounié, D. Trystram.
    Scheduling independent tasks on multi-cores with GPU accelerators, in: Concurrency: Practice and Experience, 2014, forthcoming. [ DOI : 10.1002/cpe.3359 ]
  • 4M. S. Bouguerra, D. Kondo, F. Mendonca, D. Trystram.
    Fault-tolerant scheduling on parallel systems with non-memoryless failure distributions, in: Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, May 2014, vol. 74, no 5, pp. 2411-2422. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.jpdc.2014.01.005 ]
  • 5J. Cohen, D. Cordeiro, D. Trystram.
    Coordination mechanisms for decentralized parallel systems, in: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2014, forthcoming. [ DOI : 10.1002/cpe.3298 ]
  • 6M. Dreher, J. Prevoteau-Jonquet, M. Trellet, M. Piuzzi, M. Baaden, B. Raffin, N. Férey, S. Robert, S. Limet.
    ExaViz: a Flexible Framework to Analyse, Steer and Interact with Molecular Dynamics Simulations, in: Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society, May 2014, vol. 169, pp. 119-142. [ DOI : 10.1039/C3FD00142C ]
  • 7D. El Mostafa, F. Wagner, D. Trystram.
    Scheduling 2-Dimensional grids with large communication delays, in: RAIRO Operations Research, 2014, forthcoming. [ DOI : 10.1051/ro/2014048 ]
  • 8V. Faucher, P. Galon, A. Beccantini, F. Crouzet, F. Debaud, T. Gautier.
    Hybrid parallel strategy for the simulation of fast transient accidental situations at reactor scale, in: Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2014, forthcoming. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.anucene.2014.07.049 ]
  • 9Y. Hendel, W. Kubiak, D. Trystram.
    Scheduling semi-malleable jobs to minimize mean flow time, in: Journal of Scheduling, 2014. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10951-013-0341-1 ]
  • 10L. Pilla, C. Pousa Ribeiro, P. Coucheney, F. Broquedis, B. Gaujal, P. Navaux, J.-F. Mehaut.
    A Topology-aware Load Balancing Algorithm for Clustered Hierarchical Multi-core Machines, in: Future Generation of Computing Systems (FGCS), 2014, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 191-201. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.future.2013.06.023 ]

International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 11R. Bleuse, T. Gautier, J. V. F. Lima, G. Mounié, D. Trystram.
    Scheduling Data Flow Program in XKaapi: A New Affinity Based Algorithm for Heterogeneous Architectures, in: Euro-Par 2014 Parallel Processing - 20th International Conference, Porto, Portugal, August 2014, pp. 560 - 571. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-09873-9_47 ]
  • 12B. Boyer, J.-G. Dumas, P. Giorgi, C. Pernet, B. D. Saunders.
    Elements of Design for Containers and Solutions in the LinBox Library, in: 4th International Congress on Mathematical Software, Seoul, South Korea, Springer, August 2014, vol. 8592, 8 pages.
  • 13J. Cohen, D. Cordeiro, P. L. F. Raphael.
    Energy-Aware Multi-Organization Scheduling Problem, in: Euro-Par 2014 Parallel Processing :20th International Conference, Porto, Portugal, F. Silva, I. Dutra, V. S. Costa (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, August 2014, vol. 8632, pp. 186-197. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-09873-9_16 ]
  • 14D. Dosimont, R. Lamarche-Perrin, L. Mello Schnorr, G. Huard, J.-M. Vincent.
    A Spatiotemporal Data Aggregation Technique for Performance Analysis of Large-scale Execution Traces, in: IEEE Cluster 2014, Madrid, Spain, September 2014.
  • 15D. Dosimont, G. Pagano, G. Huard, V. Marangozova-Martin, J.-M. Vincent.
    Efficient Analysis Methodology for Huge Application Traces, in: HPCS 2014 - The 2014 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, Bologna, Italy, July 2014.
  • 16M. Dreher, B. Raffin.
    A Flexible Framework for Asynchronous In Situ and In Transit Analytics for Scientific Simulations, in: 14th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, Chicago, United States, IEEE Computer Science Press, May 2014.
  • 17J.-G. Dumas, T. Gautier, C. Pernet, Z. Sultan.
    Parallel computation of echelon forms, in: EuroPar-2014, Porto, Portugal, August 2014, 12 p.
  • 18A. Essafi, D. Trystram, z. zaidi.
    An Efficient Algorithm for Scheduling Jobs in Volunteer Computing Platforms, in: HCW - Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, Phoenix, United States, IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 68–76. [ DOI : 10.1109/IPDPSW.2014.13 ]
  • 19S. Guelton, J. Falcou, P. Brunet.
    Exploring the vectorization of Python constructs using Pythran and Boost SIMD, in: WPMVP 2014 : Workshop on Programming models for SIMD/Vector processing, Orlando, United States, February 2014, pp. 79-86. [ DOI : 10.1145/2568058.2568060 ]
  • 20L. Jacquin, V. Roca, J.-L. Roch.
    Too Big or Too Small? The PTB-PTS ICMP-based Attack against IPsec Gateways, in: IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'14), Austin, United States, T. Rappaport (editor), IEEE, December 2014.
  • 21E. L. Kaltofen, C. Pernet.
    Sparse Polynomial Interpolation Codes and their decoding beyond half the minimal distance, in: ISSAC - 39th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Kobe, Japan, July 2014, In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation 2014 (ISSAC'14). [ DOI : 10.1145/2608628.2608660 ]
  • 22S. Kedad-Sidhoum, F. Mendonca, F. Monna, G. Mounié, D. Trystram.
    Fast Biological Sequence Comparison on Hybrid Platforms, in: ICPP - 43rd International Conference on Parallel Processing, Minneapolis, United States, September 2014, pp. 501 - 509. [ DOI : 10.1109/ICPP.2014.59 ]
  • 23S. Mor, J.-L. Roch, N. Maillard.
    Generic Deterministic Random Number Generation in Dynamic-Multithreaded Platforms, in: Euro-Par 2014 Parallel Processing - 20th International Conference, Porto, Portugal, F. M. A. Silva, I. de Castro Dutra, V. S. Costa (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, August 2014, vol. 8632, pp. 427 - 438. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-09873-9_36 ]
  • 24M. Sridi, V. Faucher, B. Raffin, T. Gautier.
    Optimisation de l'utilisation du cache dans EUROPLEXUS, in: ComPAS 2014 : Conférence en Parallélisme, Architecture et Systèmes, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, P. Felber, L. Philippe, E. Riviere, A. Tisserand (editors), April 2014.
  • 25J. Toss, L. D. Comba, B. Raffin.
    Parallel Shortest Path Algorithm for Voronoi Diagrams with Generalized Distance Functions, in: XXVII SIBGRAPI, Conference on Graphics Patterns and Images, Rio de Janerio, Brazil, August 2014.
  • 26P. Virouleau, P. Brunet, F. Broquedis, N. Furmento, S. Thibault, O. Aumage, T. Gautier.
    Evaluation of OpenMP Dependent Tasks with the KASTORS Benchmark Suite, in: IWOMP - 10th International Workshop on OpenMP, Salvador, Brazil, France, 10th International Workshop on OpenMP, IWOMP2014, Springer, September 2014, pp. 16 - 29. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-11454-5_2 ]
  • 27a. srivastav, D. Trystram.
    Competitive analysis for non-preemptive average stretch, in: ECCO XXVII – CO 2014 Joint Conference 27 th Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, München, France, May 2014.

National Conferences with Proceedings

  • 28D. Dosimont, G. Huard, J.-M. Vincent.
    Agrégation temporelle pour l'analyse de traces volumineuses, in: 10ème Atelier en Evaluation de Performances, Sophia Antipolis, France, June 2014.

Conferences without Proceedings

Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

Internal Reports

  • 32D. Dosimont, L. M. Schnorr, G. Huard, J.-M. Vincent.
    A Trace Macroscopic Description based on Time Aggregation, April 2014, no RR-8524, Trace visualization; trace analysis; trace overview; time aggregation; parallel systems; embedded systems; information theory; scientific computation; multimedia application; debugging; optimization.
  • 33A. Kumar, P. Lafourcade, C. Lauradoux.
    Performances of Cryptographic Accumulators, May 2014.

Other Publications

  • 34D. Dosimont, R. Lamarche-Perrin, L. M. Schnorr, G. Huard, J.-M. Vincent.
    Combining Data and Visual Aggregation Techniques to Build a Coherent Spatiotemporal Overview, October 2014.
  • 35J.-G. Dumas, T. Gautier, C. Pernet, J.-L. Roch, Z. Sultan.
    Recursion based parallelization of exact dense linear algebra routines for Gaussian elimination, November 2014.