Overall Objectives
Research Program
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: New Software and Platforms


Multi-camera Platforms Grimage and Kinovis

MOAIS has managed with the LJK-Inria Morpheo team the Grimage platfrom ( dedicated to off-line and on-line 3D modeling from multiple cameras and telepresence. In 2012, we received an Equipex funding, Kinovis (, to renew this platform. Kinovis will be operational by early 2015 and will consist of 68 cameras, a compute cluster and a large acquisition space. FlowVR is the software backbone of both platforms for live processing. MOAIS is participating to the FP7 infrastructure project Visionair to enable European research teams to experiment on both platforms.

HPC Platforms Grid'5000 and Ciment

MOAIS is involved in the national platform Grid'5000, the regional mezzo center Ciment and obtained in 2014 with the Mescal and Erods team a grant (FAIRE from Grenoble-INP and LIG) to buy various large NUMA nodes and accelerators that will be integrated into the Grid'5000 infrastructure.