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Section: Research Program


Our research program is oriented around two main axes: 1) Computer-Assisted Design with Heterogeneous Representations and 2) Graphics with Uncertainty and Heterogeneous Content. These two axes are governed by a set of common fundamental goals, share many common methodological tools and are deeply intertwined in the development of applications.

Computer-Assisted Design with Heterogeneous Representations

Designers use a variety of visual representations to explore and communicate about a concept. Figure 2 illustrates some typical representations, including sketches, hand-made prototypes, 3D models, 3D printed prototypes or instructions.

Figure 2. Various representations of a hair dryer at different stages of the design process. Image source, in order: c-maeng on, shauntur on, "Prototyping and Modelmaking for Product Design" Hallgrimsson, B., Laurence King Publishers, 2012, samsher511 on,, weilung tseng on,,
IMG/hair_dryer_ideation.png IMG/hair_dryer_pres.png IMG/hair_dryer_paper.png IMG/hair_dryer_3d.jpg
(a) Ideation sketch (b) Presentation sketch (c) Coarse prototype (d) 3D model
IMG/hair_dryer_simulation.jpg IMG/hair_dryer_3dprint.png IMG/hair_dryer_cutaway.jpg IMG/hair_dryer_instructions.png
(f) Simulation (e) 3D Printing (g) Technical diagram (h) Instructions

The early representations of a concept, such as rough sketches and hand-made prototypes, help designers formulate their ideas and test the form and function of multiple design alternatives. These low-fidelity representations are meant to be cheap and fast to produce, to allow quick exploration of the design space of the concept. These representations are also often approximate to leave room for subjective interpretation and to stimulate imagination; in this sense, these representations can be considered uncertain. As the concept gets more finalized, time and effort are invested in the production of more detailed and accurate representations, such as high-fidelity 3D models suitable for simulation and fabrication. These detailed models can also be used to create didactic instructions for assembly and usage.

Producing these different representations of a concept requires specific skills in sketching, modeling, manufacturing and visual communication. For these reasons, professional studios often employ different experts to produce the different representations of the same concept, at the cost of extensive discussions and numerous iterations between the actors of this process. The complexity of the multi-disciplinary skills involved in the design process also hinders their adoption by laymen.

Existing solutions to facilitate design have focused on a subset of the representations used by designers. However, no solution considers all representations at once, for instance to directly convert a series of sketches into a set of physical prototypes. In addition, all existing methods assume that the concept is unique rather than ambiguous. As a result, rich information about the variability of the concept is lost during each conversion step.

We plan to facilitate design for professionals and laymen by adressing the following objectives:

Graphics with Uncertainty and Heterogeneous Content

Our research is motivated by the observation that traditional CG algorithms have not been designed to account for uncertain data. For example, global illumination rendering assumes accurate virtual models of geometry, light and materials to simulate light transport. While these algorithms produce images of high realism, capturing effects such as shadows, reflections and interreflections, they are not applicable to the growing mass of uncertain data available nowadays.

The need to handle uncertainty in CG is timely and pressing, given the large number of heterogeneous sources of 3D content that have become available in recent years. These include data from cheap depth+image sensors (e.g., Kinect or the Tango), 3D reconstructions from image/video data, but also data from large 3D geometry databases, or casual 3D models created using simplified sketch-based modeling tools. Such alternate content has varying levels of uncertainty about the scene or objects being modelled. This includes uncertainty in geometry, but also in materials and/or lights – which are often not even available with such content. Since CG algorithms cannot be applied directly, visual effects artists spend hundreds of hours correcting inaccuracies and completing the captured data to make them useable in film and advertising.

Figure 3. Image-Based Rendering (IBR) techniques use input photographs and approximate 3D to produce new synthetic views.
IMG/ibr.png IMG/ibr2.png

We identify a major scientific bottleneck which is the need to treat heterogeneous content, i.e., containing both (mostly captured) uncertain and perfect, traditional content. Our goal is to provide solutions to this bottleneck, by explicitly and formally modeling uncertainty in CG, and to develop new algorithms that are capable of mixed rendering for this content.

We strive to develop methods in which heterogeneous – and often uncertain – data can be handled automatically in CG with a principled methodology. Our main focus is on rendering in CG, including dynamic scenes (video/animations).

Given the above, we need to address the following challenges: