Overall Objectives
Research Program
Application Domains
Highlights of the Year
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

Geometry processing

Meshes composed of hexahedra (deformed cubes) are desirable for certain numerical simulations, they can improve both performances and precision. They are very difficult to generate. We developed in 2010 one of the first fully automatic algorithms that generates a "hex-dominant" hybrid mesh (top part of the image), with hexahedra and other elements (colored). This year, we made a quantum leap, and significantly reduced the number of non-hex elements (bottom part of the image). Our approach is based on an optimization of a direction field [11] and a global parameterization steered by the direction field [9].

Figure 1. Improvements in hexahedral dominant remeshing.

Additive manufacturing

The advent of additive manufacturing enables the fabrication of shapes with unprecedented complexity, in particular embedding intricate micro-structures with details in the order of tens of microns. There is a strong interest in different fields for such structures, in medical science (prosthetics), mechanical engineering (strong but lightweight materials), art and design (aesthetics, material strength and flexibility). Unfortunately, we lack the software tools to model these structures efficiently. This year we made two significant advances in this area. We first proposed a novel methodology to create procedural micro-structures that exhibit good mechanical properties and can be fabricated [7]. As the definition of the micro-structure is procedural, they are not pre-computed. Instead their geometry is evaluated on the fly, slice after slice, during the additive manufacturing process. Yet, their elasticity can be progressively varied within the shape to align with geometric features. Our second contribution is a novel algorithm to synthesize intricate filigree patterns along a surface, from basic elements [5]. This is achieved by relaxing a strict geometric packing problem by to allow for partial overlaps between elements that preserve local geometric details. The shapes are optimized for strength during the synthesis.