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Creation of the Project-Team: 2007 July 01

Section: Members

Research Scientists

Hélène Barucq [Team leader, Inria, Senior Researcher, HDR]
Juliette Chabassier [Inria, Researcher]
Julien Diaz [Inria, Researcher, HDR]

Faculty Members

Marc Duruflé [Bordeaux INP, Associate Professor]
Victor Péron [Univ. Pau, Associate Professor]
Sébastien Tordeux [Univ. Pau, Associate Professor, HDR]


Lionel Boillot [Inria, granted by Total E&p Recherche Développement]
Marie Bonnasse-Gahot [Inria, granted by Total E&p Recherche Développement]
Simon Ettouati [Inria, granted by Min. de L'Ens. Sup. et de la Rech., until Sep 2016]
Florian Faucher [Inria, granted by Total E&p Recherche Développement]

PhD Students

Izar Azpiroz Iragorri [Univ. Pau, granted by Min. de L'Ens. Sup. et de la Rech.]
Aurelien Citrain [Insa Rouen, granted by Min. de L'Ens. Sup. et de la Rech., from May 2016]
Vincent Darrigrand [Univ. Pau, Ikerbasque]
Aralar Erdozain [Inria, Cordi-S]
Hamza Hafidi Alaoui [Univ. Bordeaux, granted by Min. de L'Ens. Sup. et de la Rech.]
Justine Labat [Univ. Pau, from Mar 2016, granted by Min. de L'Ens. Sup. et de la Rech.]
Mamadou N'Diaye [Univ. Pau, granted by Total E&p Recherche Développement and by Conseil Général des Pyrénées Atlantiques]
Chengyi Shen [Univ. Pau, from Oct 2016, granted by Min. de L'Ens. Sup. et de la Rech.]
Elvira Shishenina [Inria, granted by Total E&p Recherche Developpement]

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Ha Pham [Inria]

Administrative Assistant

Sylvie Embolla [Inria]


Mohamed Amara [Univ. Pau, Professor, HDR]
Anh-Tuan Ha [Inria, Internship, from May 2016 until Sep 2016]
Baptiste Olivier [Inria, Internship, from Jul 2016 until Aug 2016]
Remy Sourial [Inria, Internship, from Jun 2016 until Sep 2016]