Overall Objectives
Research Program
Application Domains
Highlights of the Year
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Overall Objectives

Overall Objectives

The Agora team is positioned in Inria’s research domain of "Networks, Systems and Services, Distributed Computing" under the theme "Networks and Telecommunications", as a joint team between Inria and INSA Lyon, within the CITI laboratory. The Agora team focus is on the wireless access part of the Internet, where several network architectures and paradigms co-exist: heterogeneous cellular networks, multi-hop wireless networks, long-range low-power connectivity. We work on the deployment of these networking technologies and their combined exploitation, while understanding the spatio-temporal dynamics of users, machines and data.

The deployment of dense networks is challenged by large scale and dense scenarios, with consequences on the optimization of the placement of both the components and functionalities of the network. At the same time, Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication protocols, designed for running on the Internet of Things (IoT) architectures, need a coherent rethinking to face issues on both saturated cellular networks and fresh deployments of multi-hop wireless networks unable to cover large areas. Exploiting the data carried by the network opens new questions on the network deployment and functioning, by understanding the spatio-temporal dynamics of the users or connected objects.

The main networking fact that motivates the direction of the Agora team is the coming saturation of cellular networks. Even though developed cities can rely on a full coverage of their territory with very high throughput wireless access networks, the expected - and already measured - tremendous growth of mobile data traffic will overwhelm these infrastructures without a dramatic change of communication paradigm.

Beyond cellular networks. The networking functions are today almost only managed through cellular infrastructures. Even current smart-metering network architectures follow a hierarchical organization alike cellular networks. This approach features a number of advantages, including pervasive geographical coverage, seamless connectivity, a good level of security and possibly guaranteed bandwidth and latency. However, this centralized paradigm is over twenty years old now. The access network capacity has already reached its limit, and the explosion of popular, bandwidth-hungry digital services will make the newest technologies, such as LTE, already unable to accommodate the future demand - expected to grow 11-fold in 2018, with respect to 2014. A clear trend is to decentralize the network operation, leveraging network function virtualization so as to make it more pervasive (Small Cells), heterogeneous (HetNets) and self-organizing (SON). Beyond cellular networks, multi-hop wireless mobile networks have been extensively studied in the literature, in particular wireless sensor networks, ad hoc networks, wireless mesh networks and vehicular networks. Such wireless multi-hop solutions met scarce practical success over the last decade, mainly because of the lack of a clear application context and of important use cases. There are however now mature technologies for some specific applications and provide a wealth of connectivity surrounding mobile devices. Combined with the emergence of long range low power technologies dedicated to small traffic IoT applications, one can foresee the emergence of hybrid networks architectures (cellular and multi-hop) that need to be developed and evaluated.

Low cost sensors and density. We also witness the emergence of a new market of sensing devices that is closely related to the industrial effort toward the IoT. Recent breakthrough in micro and nano technologies are indeed enabling dense deployments of low-cost sensing devices that produce reliable enough measurements of physical phenomenon while being energetically autonomous. Density is however challenging network infrastructures deployment and data collection. The deployment of such devices has to be suitable for the application and fitted to the constraints of the environment. Self-organization and self-healing are required for sustainable infrastructure management and operation. Combining all these notions into optimization models is an issue that needs to be addressed to understand and evaluate the relevant networking infrastructures and protocols. On the other hand, density is also an opportunity if one can understand and take advantage of the spatio-temporal characteristics of the data produced and the citizens behavior. Redundancy and correlations are a way to improve on data reliability and network usage.