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Section: Research Program

Network data exploitation

Mobile devices are continuously interacting with the network infrastructure, and the associated geo-referenced events can be easily logged by the operators, for different purposes, including billing and resource management. This leads to the implicit possibility of monitoring a large percentage of the whole population with minimal cost: no other technology provides today an equivalent coverage. On the networking side, the exploration of data collected within the cellular network can be the enabler of flexible and reconfigurable cellular systems. In order to enable this vision, algorithmic solutions are needed that drive, in concert with the variations in the mobile demand, the establishment, modification, release and relocation of any type of resources in the network. This raises, in turn, the fundamental problem of understanding the mobile demand, and linking it to the resource management processes. More precisely, we contribute to answer questions about the correlation between urban areas and mobile traffic usage, in particular the spatial and temporal causalities in the usage of the mobile network.

In a different type of architecture, the one of wireless sensor networks, the spatio-temporal characteristics of the data that are transported can also be leveraged to improve on the networking performances, e.g. capacity and energy consumption. In several applications (e.g. temperature monitoring, intrusion detection), wireless sensor nodes are prone to transmit redundant or correlated information. This wastes the bandwidth and accelerates the battery depletion. Energy and network capacity savings can be obtained by leveraging spatial and temporal correlation in packet aggregation. Packet transmissions can be reduced with an overhead induced by distributed aggregation algorithms. We aim at designing data aggregation functions that preserve data accuracy and maximize the network lifetime with low assumptions on the network topology and the application.

Mobile data analysis. In this research axis, we delve deeper in the analysis of mobile traffic. In this sense, temporal and spatial usage profiles can be built, by including in our analysis datasets providing service-level usage information. Indeed, previous studies have been generally using call detail records (CDR) or, at best, aggregated packet traffic information. This data is already very useful in many research fields, but fine-grained usage data would allow an even better understanding of the spatiotemporal characteristics of mobile traffic. To achieve this, we exploit datasets made available by Orange Labs, providing information about the network usage for several different mobile services (web, streaming, download, mail, etc.).

To obtain even richer information, we combine this operator-side data with user-side data, collected by a crowdsensing application we developed within the PrivaMov research project. While covering hundreds of thousands of users, operator data only allows to localize the user at the cell level, and only when the user is connected to the network. The crowdsensing application we are using gathers precise GPS user localization data at a high frequency. Combining these two sources of data will allow us to gain insight in possible biases introduced by operator-side data and to infer microscopic properties which, correctly modeled, can be extended to the entire user population, even those for which we do not possess crowdsensed data.

Privacy preservation is an important topic in the field of mobile data analysis. Mobile traffic data anonymization techniques are currently proposed, mainly by adding noise or removing information from the original dataset. While we do not plan to develop anonymization algorithms, we collaborate with teams working on this topic (e.g. Inria Privatics) in order to assess the impact of anonymization techniques on the spatio-temporal properties of mobile traffic data. Through a statistical analysis of both anonymized and non-anonymized data, we hope to better understand the usability of anonymized data for different applications based on the exploration of mobile traffic data.

Data aggregation. Data-aggregation takes benefit from spatial and/or temporal correlation, while preserving the data accuracy. Such correlation comes from the physical phenomenon which is observed. Temporal aggregation is mainly addressed using temporal series (e.g. ARMA) whereas spatial aggregation is now leading by compressive sensing solutions. Our objective is to get rid of the assumption of the knowledge of the network topology properties and the data traffic generated by the application, in particular for dense and massive wireless networks. Note that we focus on data-aggregation with a networking perspective, not with the background of information theory.

The rational design of an aggregation scheme implies understanding data dynamics (statistical characteristics, information representation), algorithmic optimization (aggregator location, minimizing the number of aggregators toward energy efficiency), and network dynamics (routing, medium sharing policies, node activity). We look for designing a complete aggregation chain including both intra-sensor aggregation and inter-sensor aggregation. For this, we characterize the raw data that are collected in order to understand the dynamic behind several key applications. The goal is to provide a taxonomy of the applications according to the data properties in terms of stationarity, dynamic, etc. Then, we aim to design temporal aggregation functions without knowledge of the network topology and without assumptions about the application data. Such functions should be able to self-adapt to the environment evolution. A related issue is the deployment of aggregators into the wireless network to allow spatial aggregation with respect to the energy consumption minimization, capacity saving maximization and distributed algorithm complexity. We therefore look to define dedicated protocols for each aggregation function family.