Overall Objectives
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Section: Overall Objectives

Overall Objectives

The research activity of our team is dedicated to the design, analysis and implementation of efficient numerical methods to solve inverse and shape/topological optimization problems in connection with acoustics, electromagnetism, elastodynamics, and diffusion.

Sought practical applications include radar and sonar applications, bio-medical imaging techniques, non-destructive testing, structural design, composite materials, and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging.

Roughly speaking, the model problem consists in determining information on, or optimizing the geometry (topology) and the physical properties of unknown targets from given constraints or measurements, for instance, measurements of diffracted waves or induced magnetic fields.

In general this kind of problems is non-linear. The inverse ones are also severely ill-posed and therefore require special attention from regularization point of view, and non-trivial adaptations of classical optimization methods.

Our scientific research interests are the following:

We were particularly interested in the development of the following themes