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Research Program
Application Domains
Highlights of the Year
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New Results
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Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1J. Brouns, A. Crinière, J. Dumoulin, A. Nassiopoulos, F. Bourquin.
    Diagnostic de structures de Génie Civil : Identification des propriétés spatiales et de la surface d’un défaut, in: SFT 2014, Lyon, France, Société Française de Thermique, May 2014.
  • 2A. Crinière, J. Dumoulin, C. Ibarra-Castanedo, X. Maldague.
    Inverse model for defect characterisation of externally glued CFRP on reinforced concrete structures: comparative study of square pulsed and pulsed thermography, in: Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal, March 2014, vol. 11, no 1, pp. 84-114. [ DOI : 10.1080/17686733.2014.897512 ]
  • 3J. Dumoulin, V. Boucher.
    Infrared thermography system for transport infrastructures survey with inline local atmospheric parameter measurements and offline model for radiation attenuation evaluations, in: Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2014, vol. 8, no 1, pp. 084978–084978.
  • 4J. Dumoulin, A. Crinière, R. Averty.
    The detection and thermal characterization of the inner structure of the ‘Musmeci’ bridge deck by infrared thermography monitoring, in: Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, December 2013, vol. 10, no 6, 17 p. [ DOI : 10.1088/1742-2132/10/6/064003 ]
  • 5M. Döhler, L. Mevel.
    Fast Multi-Order Computation of System Matrices in Subspace-Based System Identification, in: Control Engineering Practice, September 2012, vol. 20, no 9, pp. 882–894.
  • 6M. Döhler, L. Mevel.
    Modular Subspace-Based System Identification from Multi-Setup Measurements, in: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, November 2012, vol. 57, no 11, pp. 2951–2956.
  • 7M. Döhler, L. Mevel.
    Efficient Multi-Order Uncertainty Computation for Stochastic Subspace Identification, in: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, June 2013, vol. 38, no 2, pp. 346–366.
  • 8M. Döhler, L. Mevel.
    Subspace-based fault detection robust to changes in the noise covariances, in: Automatica, September 2013, vol. 49, no 9, pp. 2734–2743. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.automatica.2013.06.019 ]
  • 9A. Jhinaoui, L. Mevel, J. Morlier.
    A new SSI algorithm for LPTV systems: application to a hinged-bladed helicopter, in: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, January 2014, vol. 42, no 1, pp. 152–166.
  • 10P. Lair, J. Dumoulin, P. Millan.
    Inverse method for flux characterization using infrared thermography in die forging, in: Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications, 1998, vol. 33, no 3, pp. 267–277.
  • 11F. Loete, Q. Zhang, M. Sorine.
    Experimental validation of the inverse scattering method for distributed characteristic impedance estimation, in: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2015, vol. 63, no 6, 7 p. [ DOI : 10.1109/TAP.2015.2417215 ]
  • 12L. Marin, M. Döhler, D. Bernal, L. Mevel.
    Robust statistical damage localization with stochastic load vectors, in: Structural Control and Health Monitoring, March 2015, vol. 22, no 3.
  • 13M. Zghal, L. Mevel, P. Del Moral.
    Modal parameter estimation using interacting Kalman filter, in: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, August 2014, vol. 47, no 1, pp. 139–150.
  • 14Q. Zhang, M. Sorine, M. Admane.
    Inverse Scattering for Soft Fault Diagnosis in Electric Transmission Lines, in: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2011, vol. 59, no 1, pp. 141 - 148.
Publications of the year

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 15M. D. H. Bhuyan, M. Döhler, Y. Lecieux, L. Mevel, F. SCHOEFS.
    Statistical damage localization with stochastic load vectors using multiple mode sets, in: Structural Health Monitoring, August 2017, vol. 16, no 5, pp. 518-535. [ DOI : 10.1177/1475921717714447 ]
  • 16J. Brouns, A. Nassiopoulos, K. Limam, F. Bourquin.
    Heat source discrimination in buildings to reconstruct internal gains from temperature measurements, in: Energy and Buildings, January 2017, vol. 135, pp. 253-262. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.enbuild.2016.11.041 ]
  • 17X. Chapeleau, J. BLANC, P. Hornych, J.-L. J. Gautier, J. Carroget.
    Assessment of cracks detection in pavement by a distributed fiber optic sensing technology, in: Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2017, vol. 16. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.pscr.2014.08.002 ]
  • 18G. Gautier, L. Mevel, J.-M. Mencik, R. Serra, M. Döhler.
    Variance analysis for model updating with a finite element based subspace fitting approach, in: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2017, vol. 91, pp. 142 - 156. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.ymssp.2017.01.006 ]
  • 19N. Le Touz, J. Dumoulin, G. Gennarelli, F. Soldovieri.
    A joint thermal and electromagnetic diagnostics approach for the inspection of thick walls, in: Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems Discussions, 2017, vol. 6, no 1, pp. 81 - 92. [ DOI : 10.5194/gi-6-81-2017 ]
  • 20M. Marchetti, M. Fois, L. Ibos, J. Dumoulin, P. Bourson, J. M. PIAU.
    Comparative study in the identification of liquid to solid transition phase with DSC, Raman spectra analysis and chemiometrics methods applied to phase change materials used for icing-delay in civil engineering infrastructures, in: Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, forthcoming.
  • 21Q. Zhang, L. Ljung.
    From Structurally Independent Local LTI Models to LPV Model, in: Automatica, August 2017, vol. 84, pp. 232-235. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.automatica.2017.06.006 ]
  • 22Q. Zhang.
    On Stability of the Kalman Filter for Discrete Time Output Error Systems, in: Systems and Control Letters, July 2017, vol. 107, pp. 84-91. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.sysconle.2017.07.011 ]

Invited Conferences

  • 23J. Dumoulin.
    Infrared Thermography in Civil Engineering: From Non Destructive Testing in Laboratory to Outdoor Thermal Monitoring, in: QIRT-Asia 2017 - 2nd Asian Conference on Quantitative InfraRed Thermography, Daejeon, South Korea, July 2017.

International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 24S. Allahdadian, M. Döhler, C. Ventura, L. Mevel.
    Damage localization of a real structure using the statistical subspace damage localization method, in: IWSHM - 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, United States, September 2017.
  • 25N. Berrabah, Q. Zhang, M. Franchet, D. Vautrin.
    Estimation of a Cable Resistance Profile with Readaptation of Mismatched Measurement Instrument, in: International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA 2017), Verona, Italy, September 2017.
  • 26M. D. H. Bhuyan, S. Allahdadian, M. Döhler, Y. Lecieux, L. Mevel, F. SCHOEFS, C. Ventura.
    Transfer matrices-based output-only statistical damage localization and quantification on a frame structure, in: IWSHM - 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, United States, September 2017.
  • 27M. D. H. Bhuyan, G. Gautier, M. Döhler, Y. Lecieux, L. Mevel, F. SCHOEFS.
    Statistical damage localization in mechanical systems based on load vectors, in: IFAC WC - 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 2017.
  • 28M. D. H. Bhuyan, E. Viefhues, M. Döhler, Y. Lecieux, L. Mevel, F. Hille, F. SCHOEFS.
    Output-only subspace and transfer matrix-based damage localization and quantification, in: IOMAC - 7th International Operational Modal Analysis Conference, Ingolstadt, Germany, May 2017.
  • 31M. Döhler, Q. Zhang, L. Mevel.
    Change detection and isolation in mechanical system parameters based on perturbation analysis, in: IFAC WC - 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 2017.
  • 32S. Gres, M. Dalgaard Ulriksen, M. Döhler, R. J. Johansen, P. Andersen, L. Damkilde, S. A. Nielsen.
    Statistical methods for damage detection applied to civil structures, in: EURODYN 2017 - 10th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Rome, Italy, September 2017, vol. 199, pp. 1919 - 1924. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.09.280 ]
  • 33V. Le Cam, A. Bouche, D. Pallier.
    Wireless Sensors Synchronization : an accurate and deterministic GPS-based algorithm, in: IWSHM 2017 - 11th international workshop on structural health monitoring 2017, Stanford, United States, September 2017.
  • 34N. Le Touz, J. Dumoulin, J.-M. Piau.
    Étude numérique de la résolution du couplage convection/radiation/diffusion dans une structure de chaussée hybride, in: 25eme congrès français de thermique, Marseille, France, Société Française de Thermique (SFT), May 2017.
  • 35N. Le Touz, T. Toullier, J. Dumoulin.
    Infrared thermography applied to the study of heated and solar pavement: from numerical modeling to small scale laboratory experiments, in: SPIE - Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications XXXIX, Anaheim, United States, April 2017.
  • 36L. Long, S. Thöns, M. Döhler.
    Damage Detection and Deteriorating Structural Systems, in: IWSHM - 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, United States, September 2017.
  • 37M. Pourasghar, V. Puig, C. Ocampo-Martinez, Q. Zhang.
    Reduced-order Interval-observer Design for Dynamic Systems with Time-invariant Uncertainty, in: IFAC 2017 - 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Toulouse, France, July 2017, pp. 1-6.
  • 38S. Sen, A. Crinière, L. Mevel, F. Cérou, J. Dumoulin.
    Seismic induced damage detection through parallel estimation of force and parameter using improved interacting Particle-Kalman filter, in: 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, San Francisco, United States, September 2017.
  • 39D. Straub, E. Chatzi, E. Bismut, W. Courage, M. Döhler, M. H. Faber, J. Köhler, G. Lombaert, P. Omenzetter, M. Pozzi, S. Thöns, D. V. Val, H. Wenzel, D. Zonta.
    Value of information: A roadmap to quantifying the benefit of structural health monitoring, in: ICOSSAR - 12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, Vienna, Austria, August 2017.
  • 40S. Thöns, M. P. Limongelli, A. Mandic Ivankovic, M. Faber, D. Val, M. Chryssanthoplous, G. Lombaert, M. Döhler, D. Straub, E. Chatzi, J. Köhler, H. Wenzel, J. Sørensen.
    Progress of the COST Action TU1402 on the Quantification of the Value of Structural Health Monitoring, in: IWSHM - 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, United States, September 2017.
  • 41E. Viefhues, M. Döhler, F. Hille, L. Mevel.
    Stochastic Subspace-Based Damage Detection with Uncertainty in the Reference Null Space, in: IWSHM - 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, United States, September 2017.
  • 42Y. Yang, A. Sempey, T. Vogt-Wu, A. Sommier, J. Dumoulin, C. Pradere, J.-C. Batsale.
    Study of methodology for quantitative thermal diagnostic of wall, in: QIRT-Asia 2017 - 2nd Asian Conference on Quantitative InfraRed Thermography, Daejeon, South Korea, July 2017, pp. 1-3. [ DOI : 10.21611/qirt.2017.014 ]
  • 43Y. Yang, T. Vogt Wu, A. Sempey, J. Dumoulin, J. C. Batsale.
    Study Of Experimental Diagnostic Methodology For Thermal Characterization Of Building Wall, in: International Conference on Materials & energy, Tianjin, China, July 2017.
  • 44Q. Zhang.
    Adaptive Kalman Filter for Actuator Fault Diagnosis, in: IFAC 2017 - 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Toulouse, France, July 2017, pp. 1-6.
  • 45Q. Zhang.
    Inverse Scattering for Electrical Cable Soft Fault Diagnosis, in: IFAC 2017 - 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Toulouse, France, July 2017, pp. 1-2.

National Conferences with Proceedings

  • 46A. Crinière, J. Dumoulin, L. Mevel.
    Surveillance thermique de structures par thermographie infrarouge couplée au suivi des paramètres environnementaux : du déploiement à la standardisation, in: Folle journée de l'imagerie Nantaise 2017, Nantes, France, February 2017.
  • 47A. Crinière, A. Roumy, T. Maugey, M. Kieffer, J. Dumoulin.
    Sélection optimale de capteurs de référence pour le stockage de données spatialement corrélées, in: GRETSI 2017 - XXVIème Colloque, Juan-les-Pins, France, GRETSI 2017, September 2017.
  • 48T. Toullier, J. Dumoulin, L. Mevel.
    Étude comparative de deux approches, thermocouples intégrés et thermographie infrarouge, pour la surveillance thermique d'une infrastructure de transport, in: 25eme congrès français de thermique, Marseille, France, SFT, May 2017.

Conferences without Proceedings

  • 49S. Sen, A. Crinière, L. Mevel, F. Cérou, J. Dumoulin.
    Estimation of time varying system parameters from ambient response using improved Particle-Kalman filter with correlated noise, in: EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienne, Austria, April 2017.

Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 50J. Dumoulin.
    Infrared thermography: from sensing principle to non destructive testing considerations, in: Sensing the past, Geoscience and Sensing Technologies for cultural heritage, Springer, 2017.
  • 51F. Soldovieri, J. Dumoulin.
    Integrated monitoring at a modern architectural masterpiece: the case of Viaduct Basento in Potenza, in: Sensing the past, Geoscience and Sensing Technologies for cultural heritage, Springer, 2017, no 16, pp. 499-514.

Other Publications

  • 52G. Gautier, M. D. H. Bhuyan, M. Döhler, L. Mevel.
    Comparison of damage localization in mechanical systems based on Stochastic Subspace Identification method, April 2017, EGU General Assembly, Poster.
  • 53M. Marchetti, J. Dumoulin, L. Ibos, J. M. PIAU.
    Coupling Raman spectroscopy and infrared thermography to evaluate energy exchanges with PCM embedded into pavement, April 2017, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Poster.
  • 54Y. Yang, A. Sempey, T. Vogt Wu, A. Sommier, J. Dumoulin, J. C. Batsale.
    Study of an experimental methodology for thermal properties diagnostic of building envelop, April 2017, 1 p, EGU 2017 - European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Poster.
References in notes
  • 55M. Basseville, I. V. Nikiforov.
    Fault isolation for diagnosis : nuisance rejection and multiple hypotheses testing, in: Annual Reviews in Control, December 2002, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 189–202.
  • 56B. Delyon, A. Juditsky, A. Benveniste.
    On the relationship between identification and local tests, IRISA, May 1997, no 1104.
  • 57M. Jaulent.
    The inverse scattering problem for LCRG transmission lines, in: Journal of Mathematical Physics, December 1982, vol. 23, no 12, pp. 2286-2290.
  • 58G. L. Lamb.
    Elements of Soliton Theory, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1980.
  • 59M. Oumri.
    Fault diagnosis of wired electric networks by reflectometry, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, May 2014.
  • 60C. R. Paul.
    Analysis of multiconductor transmission lines, Wiley, New York, 2008.
  • 61H. Tang, Q. Zhang.
    An Inverse Scattering Approach to Soft Fault Diagnosis in Lossy Electric Transmission Lines, in: IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, 2011, vol. 59, no 10, pp. 3730-3737.
  • 62P. Van Overschee, B. de Moor.
    Subspace Identification for Linear Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1996.
  • 63F. Visco Comandini.
    Some inverse scattering problems on star-shaped graphs: application to fault detection on electrical transmission line networks, Université de Versailles-Saint Quentin en Yvelines, December 2011.