Overall Objectives
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Section: Overall Objectives

Summary of Compsys I Achievements

The Compsys team has been evaluated by Inria for the first time in April 2007. The evaluation, conducted by Erik Hagersted (Uppsala University), Vinod Kathail (Synfora, inc), J. (Ram) Ramanujam (Baton Rouge University) was positive. Compsys I thus continued into Compsys II for 4-5 years but in a new configuration as Tanguy Risset and Antoine Fraboulet left the project to follow research directions closer to their host laboratory at Insa-Lyon. The main achievements of Compsys I, for this period, were the following:

Due to Compsys size reduction (from 5 permanent researchers to 3 in 2008, then 4 again in 2009), the team then focused, in Compsys II, on two research directions only: