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Section: Overall Objectives

Overall Objectives

The propagation of waves is one of the most common physical phenomena in nature. From the human scale (sounds, vibrations, water waves, telecommunications, radar) to the scales of the universe (electromagnetic waves, gravity waves) and of the atoms (spontaneous or stimulated emission, interferences between particles), the emission and the reception of waves are our privileged way to understand the world that surrounds us. The study and the simulation of wave propagation phenomena constitute a very broad and active field of research in various domains of physics and engineering sciences. The variety and the complexity of the underlying problems, their scientific and industrial interest, the existence of a common mathematical structure to these problems from different areas altogether justify a research project in applied mathematics and scientific computing devoted to this topic.

Nowadays, the numerical techniques for solving the basic academic problems are well mastered, and significant progress has been made during the last twenty years for handling problems closer to real applications. But several bottlenecks remain, among which one can mention the high-frequency problems for radar applications, the multiscale problems that arise for instance in nanotechnologies or the multi-physics couplings, like in aeroacoustics. Moreover, in the recent period, new challenges have emerged, related to new discoveries in physics (like negative index metamaterials) or to the fantastic development of information and communication techniques. For example, the growing development of increasingly connected objects (internet of things) and the forthcoming availability of autonomous vehicles depend crucially on electromagnetic waves, raising important issues about radar performance, sensor reliability, component miniaturization and electromagnetic compatibility. Generally, there are a lot of application domains which could benefit from advanced research on waves phenomena. Enhancing ultrasound-based methods for detection and imaging, which are already intensively used in e.g. medicine, could permit real-time health monitoring of aircrafts or nuclear plants. Guarding against seismic risks still requires considerable advances in the simulation of elastic waves in large and complex media. And many other applications motivating our research and our prospects could be added to this far-from-comprehensive list.