Section: Dissemination

Participation in conferences, seminars, invitations

Alin Bostan gave talks on “Symbolic analysis for lattice path combinatorics” at the Institute of Systems Science, Beijing, China (June 3), at the FOCM'11 conference, Budapest, Hungary (July 13), at the workshop “Rencontres autour des séries formelles arithmétiques”, Institut Fourier, Grenoble (Sept. 8), and at the Algo Seminar of the GREYC, Univ. Caen (Oct. 25). He presented a poster on “Fast computation of common left multiples of linear ordinary differential operators” at the ISSAC'11 conference, San Jose, USA (June 9).

Nicolas Broutin has given lectures at the workshop on random graphs (Lille), the meeting on “random trees, information and algorithms” in Oberwolfach, the “Colloque SMF Etats de la Recherche” on statistical learning (IHP), the seminar organized by the members of the A3 ANR project (ENS), the colloquium on Analysis of Algorithms (Poznan), the meeting of the Applied Probability Society (Stockholm), the Paris-Bath meeting on branching Structures (IHP), the “Séminaire de Combinatoire Philippe Flajolet” (IHP), and the joint Mainz-Frankfurt Seminar on probability. He also presented his experience of research at Inria to the students of Ecole Polytechnique during the round table on careers in research organized at the occasion of the “Forum métiers”.

Frédéric Chyzak presented his joint work with Alexis Darrasse (postdoc at the MSR-INRIA) on “Using Camlp4 for presenting dynamic mathematics on the web: DynaMoW, an OCaml language extension for the run-time generation of mathematical contents and their presentation on the web (an experience report)” [14] at ICFP'11 (Tokyo).

Christoph Koutschan gave an invited talk at ICASF (International Conference on Asymptotics and Special Functions, Hong Kong, June 2011) on “Software for Special Functions”. He presented his work on “Lattice Green's Functions of the Higher-Dimensional Face-Centered Cubic Lattices” at the Joint Mathematical Conference of the Austrian Mathematical Society together with the Catalan, Czech, Slovak, and Slovenian Mathematical Societies (Krems, Austria) and at the Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry (Raleigh, USA). He also gave a talk on “Advanced Computer Algebra for Evaluating Determinants” at the Journees Nationales de Calcul Formel 2011 (Luminy).

Bruno Salvy has been an invited speaker at the conference “Computational and Analytical Mathematics” in honour of Jonathan's Borwein 60th birthday, Vancouver, May 2011, where he talked on automatic proofs of identities. He also presented variants of this talk at seminars in Waterloo, Ontario, the Fourier Institute (Grenoble), Labri (Bordeaux) and at the “Séminaire Philippe Flajolet” in IHP (Paris). He gave a talk on “Newton Iteration for Combinatorial Systems” at the Discrete Mathematics Seminar in Vancouver, at the Alea days in Luminy and at a seminar in ENS Lyon. Finally, he was invited to give a talk entitled “Computational Variations on Linear Differential Equations” at the workshop “Differential Equations and Galois Theory” organized at IHES for Galois' 200th birthday.

Flavia Stan gave two talks on her work on symbolic summation for Feynman-integral calculus (at a seminar of the LIPN and at the workshop Combinatorial Physics III in Kraków, Poland). She also gave a seminar talk on her work on symbolic summation and Mellin-Barnes integrals at the University of Limoges (XLIM).