Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR projects

ANR Similar Cities

Participants : Samuel Hornus, Anass Lasram, Sylvain Lefebvre.

  • Title: Similar Cities

  • Principal Investigator: Sylvain Lefebvre (INRIA ALICE)

  • Participants: INRIA Nancy, CSTB, Allegorithmic

  • See also: GoodShape

  • Abstract: Similar Cities aims at enhancing the visual appearance of virtual cities, using procedural methods. Our key insight is to replace the numerous textures used to faithfully render large virtual cities by procedural equivalents. These procedural textures are thousands of times smaller but can still be quickly generated whenever required by the rendering engine. Our every-day tools for this research are procedural texture generators, texture synthesis by example, texture streaming algorithms and image processing tools.

ANR Physigraphics

Participants : Alejandro Galindo, Kun Liu, Rhaleb Zayer.

  • Title: Physigraphics

  • Principal Investigator: Rhaleb Zayer (INRIA ALICE)

  • Instrument: ANR “chaire d'excellence” grant

  • See also: Physigraphics

  • Abstract: Physigrafix is a research effort geared towards bridging the gap between acquisition and modeling in the context of deformable objects. The will project proceed on two complementary tracks. The first is the acquisition and tracking of deformable models, and the second is the mathematical modeling of the captured deformation behavior. The central idea is to rely on the exhibited physics to drive the mathematical model, in this way problems commonly encountered in simulation modeling can be avoided in the first place. This research is motivated by real world applications, and in a broad scope touches upon disciplines such as virtual medicine, manufacturing and feature film industry.

ANR Morpho

Participants : Dobrina Boltcheva, Phuong Ho, Bruno Lévy.

  • Title: Morpho

  • Coordinator: Edmond Boyer (INRIA MORPHEO)

  • Participants: LJK/INRIA Grenoble, INRIA Nancy/LORIA, GIPSA-Lab

  • See also: Morpho

  • Abstract: Morpho is aimed at designing new technologies for the measure and for the analysis of dynamic surface evolutions using visual data. The interest arises in several application domains where temporal surface deformations need to be captured and analyzed. It includes human body analyses but also extends to other deforming objects, sails for instance. Potential applications with human bodies are anyway numerous and important, from the identification of pathologies to the design of new prostheses. The project focus is therefore on human body shapes and their motions and on how to characterize them through new biometric models for analysis purposes

ANR Moditere

Participant : Dmitry Sokolov.

  • Title: Moditere

  • Coordinator: C. Gentil (LIRIS)

  • Participants: LIRIS Lyon, LE2I Dijon, LORIA/INRIA Nancy, PEP(Pôle Européen de Plasturgie d’Oyonnax).

  • Abstract: Moditere aims at developing new 3D modeling tools, that extend the editing capabilities of classical CAD/CAM representations (Splines) to new geometries, such as fractal objects.