Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

SEmba - Embedded Systems

Participants : Nicolas Stouls [Co-leader] , Stéphane Frénot, Antoine Fraboulet, Lionel Morel, Guillaume Salagnac, Yufang Dan.

SEmba, standing for Embedded Systems (”Systèmes Embarqués” in French), is a project funded by the ISLE cluster of the Rhône-Alpe department. This project aims at animating and structuring regional research activities, in order to give more visibility of our results, and at promoting collaborations between academic and industrial teams of the regions. Current academic labs of the project are :

  • TIMA, GIPSA-Lab, INRIA Grenoble, LIG, VERIMAG (Grenoble),

  • CITI, INL, LIP (Lyon),

  • LHC (Saint-Etienne),

  • LAMA (Savoie),

  • LCIS (Valence).

To produce enhanced embedded systems is a non-stopping effort, due to constant technologies evolutions in nano and micro-electronic. Locks lie in the low cost, low electrical consumption, fast conception and development processes and the quality of systems, as well for the hardware as for the software parts. Project is managed by Dominique Borrione (TIMA Lab) and Nicolas Stouls (CITI Lab), and is organized with three themes:

  1. Architectures and conception (software/hardware, components, synthesis)

  2. Evaluation of embedded systems quality (validation, test, reliability, performance, quality of service)

  3. Communicating infrastructures (protocols, OS, middleware, sensors networks, security, networks on chip)