Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

French Community

Participants : Patrick Amar, Jérôme Azé, Julie Bernauer, Sarah Cohen-Boulakia, Alain Denise, Christine Froidevaux, Feng Lou, Yann Ponty, Mireille Régnier, Jean-Marc Steyaert.

All team is involved in GDR-Bim (Biology, Computer Science and Mathematics, http://www.gdr-bim.u-psud.fr/ ). A. Denise is a member of the Scientific Council. J. Azé is the webmaster. Ch. Froidevaux and S. Cohen-Boulakia participate to the subdomain Knowledge Representation, Ontologies, Data Integration and Grids.

A. Denise and M. Régnier participate to the subdomain Sequence Analysis and to Comatege subgroup of GDR-Im (Informatique Mathématique, http://www.gdr-im.fr/ )

Many members participate to Alea working group (http://algo.inria.fr/AofA/Alea/index.html .


Participants : Jérôme Azé, Yann Ponty, Mireille Régnier, Jean-Marc Steyaert.

Y. Ponty coorganized with E. Fusy (LIX) and G. Schaeffer (LIX) the Alea'2011 workshop/Cnrs spring school at the Cirm center (http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/alea11 ).

As part of the “Chemistry Year 2011”, Amib animated the Inria booth, both at the “Salon des Jeux et de la Culture Mathématique” http://www.cnrs.fr/insmi/spip.php?article323 in May at University Upmc , organized by Cijm http://www.cijm.org/ , and at the yearly “Fete de la Science” http://www.fetedelascience-idf.fr/index.php?p=recherche-geographique&a=view&id=154 in Moulon (Saclay). The topic was to illustrate the principles underlying RNA folding algorithms through playing combinatorial games.

AMIB organized at Ecole Polytechnique, jointly with L. Schwartz (La Pitié-Salpétriere- Chu ; now with Garches Hospital) a one day meeting Models for Cell Metabolism. Y. Ponty and C. Poignard (Inria-MC2 , Bordeaux) gave a talk.


Amib seminars

M. Levitt (Stanford) gave a Digiteo seminar.

We received in our weekly seminar: J. Selbig (Potsdam U.), O. Lichtarge (Baylor College of Medicine), L. Breuza (SwissProt), A.-L. Thevenin (Tel Aviv U.), P. Clote (Boston College), T.-B. Ho (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), S. Hornus (Inria , Nancy), S. Vagner (Igm -Villejuif), C. Medigue (Labgem , Genoscope, Evry), H. Falentin (Inra -Rennes), L. Berti-Equille (Ird ), P. Carbonell (Evry U.), M. Michaut (Toronto U.), O. Lespinet (Igm , Orsay).

Other seminars and invited talks

J. Bernauer and A. Sim presented Associate Team Gnapi work at the Berkeley-INRIA -Stanford Meeting in Berkeley (May). J. Bernauer organized the discussion session of the Psb Msmb session in collaboration with S.Flores, X.Huang, S.Shin and R.Zhou.

A. Denise gave invited talks at the Workshop “Optimization and Machine Learning: Theory, Algorithms and Applications" at Metz, and at the conference “Les 20 ans du Labri " at Bordeaux.

Y. Ponty gave an invited talk at the Dagstuhl seminar Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Sequence Processing (Germany).

S. Sheikh gave seminars at University of Central Florida (Orlando, Gainesville) and Florida International University (Miami).

In a regular partnership with Garches Hospital, Amib members give seminars for medical staff.

Program Committee

P. Amar was chairman of the organising committee, and a member of the scientific committee as well, for the conference "Modelling Complex Biological Systems in the context of genomics", Sophia-Antipolis, May 2011. (http://epigenomique.free.fr/en ).

J. Bernauer in collaboration with X. Huang (Hkust ), S. Flores (Uppsala Univ.), S. Shin (Seoul National Univ.) and R.Zhou (Ibm Watson Research Center) organized the "Multi-scale Modelling of Biosystems: from Molecular to Mesoscale" session of the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (Jan 3-7, 2011). See http://psb.stanford.edu/psb11/cfp_msmb.html .

S. Cohen-Boulakia, Ch. Froidevaux (co-head) and Y. Ponty served as members of the program committee for the Jobim'11 bioinformatics conference (Institut Pasteur). (http://www.pasteur.fr/ip/easysite/pasteur/fr/recherche/communication-scientifique/conferences-et-congres-scientifiques/conferences-service-colloques-institut-pasteur/jobim-2011 ).

Ch. Froidevaux and J. Azé served as members of the program committee for the Egc'2011 . Jerome Azé served as PC member of the international conferences and workshops Qimie2011 (workshop of Pakdd2011 ) and Dmin2011 . He co-chaired the national workshop Qdc2011 (workshop of Egc2011 ) and was co-editor of a special number of the journal RNTI QDC-EvalECD'11 .

S. Cohen-Boulakia is member of the editorial board of the Journal on Data Semantics (Springer) and was PC member of the following international conferences: Vldb2011, Icde 2011 and Ssdbm2011 .

A. Denise is a member of the editorial committee of Techniques et Sciences Informatiques (Hermès).

M. Régnier organized with V. Makeev (IOGene ) and M. Gelfand (RAS) the 5th conference Mccmb'11 in Moscow. It was supported by a trilateral fund (France-Germany-Russia) and a Russia-India fund. She was a member of Cpm'11 program committee.

A special session RNA structure: from genomes to nanotechnology was organized http://www.iscb.org/ismbeccb2011-program/895-special-session-details at Ismb'11 (Vienna, Austria) with a Digiteo support.

Research Administration

Ch. Froidevaux took part as an external jury member in the hiring committee of a Professor position at Insa -Lyon, and as a member in the hiring committee of CR2 et CR1 positions at Inria Bordeaux. Ch. Froidevaux served in the Dim (Ile-de-France) Committee. She is a Deputy member of the Scientific Committee of the Bioinformatics Center of the Geneva University. Ch. Froidevaux is head of the Computer Science Department at the University Paris Sud. This department involved research activities in two laboratories: Lri and Limsi/Chm .

A. Denise serves in the Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique, section 7 and CID 43. He is copresident of the Commission Informatique de Centre (CIC) of the Inra research center at Jouy-en-Josas. He is member of the scientific committee of the Faculty of Sciences of University of Versailles, and of the scientific commission of the Inria research center at Saclay. He serves as an expert for expert the Direction Générale de la Recherche et l'Innovation (DGRI) of the French Research Ministry. He has been member of the Aeres evaluation committees of the I3s research unit (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis/Cnrs ) and of the Inria research center at Rennes. He took part as an external jury member in the hiring committee of an Assistant position at the university of Nantes.

Y. Ponty took part as an external jury member in the hiring committee of an Assistant position at IUT Vélizy/Université de Versailles St Quentin. He participated in the Lix/Qualcomm 2011 postdoc hiring committee.

M. Régnier serves in the Committee of French ANR http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr/ , and, as a deputy member, in Digiteo Program Committee.