Section: Dissemination
The following PhD theses are currently in progress at the ARLES project-team:
Dionysis Athanasopoulos, “Evolution and Maintenance in Service-oriented Software”, started October 2008, advised by Apostolos Zarras and Valérie Issarny
Nebil Ben Mabrouk, “QoS Service Oriented Middleware for Pervasive environments”, started October 2007, advised by Nikolaos Georgantas and Valérie Issarny
Amel Bennaceur, “Synthèse dynamique de connecteurs pour les réseaux ubiquitaires", started October 2009, advised by Valérie Issarny
Sara Hachem, “Middleware pour l'Internet des objets intelligents", started October 2012, advised by Valérie Issarny
Pankesh Patel, “Enabling High-Level Application Development in Sensing-and-Actuation-augmented Pervasive Systems, started October 2010, advised by Animesh Pathak and Valérie Issarny
Amir Seyedi, “Impact of Social Networks on Middleware for Mobile Environment”, started December 2009, advised by Animesh Pathak and Valérie Issarny.