Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National initiatives
ANR KaraMetria
Participants : Xavier Pennec [correspondant] , Vikash Gupta, Marco Lorenzi.
KaraMetria is the concatenation of Kara ("head", "brain" in ancient Greek), and Metria ("measure"). This ANR-funded project (2010-2012, ) aims at: developing an extensible image registration framework able to map anatomical descriptors (such as sulcal lines or white matter fibers) of the brain shape from one subject to another : providing all necessary statistical tools to compare a subject with a group or compare groups of subjects based on the aforementioned registration framework ; and identifying biomarkers of certain brain pathologies and psychiatric disorders. In particular, we target the study of a population of depressive teenagers. This project is led in collaboration with the LNAO at CEA, the MAP5 laboratory from the University Paris Descartes, and the INSERM U797 unit.
INRIA Cooperative Research Initiative SIRAP
Participants : Maxime Sermesant [correspondant] , Xavier Pennec, Tommaso Mansi, Kristin McLeod.
The aim of this Collaborative Research Initiative is to develop physiological and statistical models of the right ventricular outflow tract of repaired Tetralogy of Fallot patients in order to help the design and implant of valves. This action is led by Jean-Frederic Gerbeau from the REO team, INRIA Rocquencourt. It is in collaboration with the pediatric cardiologist Younes Boudjemline, Necker Hospital, Paris.
Consulting for Industry
Nicholas Ayache is scientific consultant for the company Mauna Kea Technologies (Paris).
Grégoire Malandain is a member of the technical council of the company Dosisoft (Paris), a subsidiary from the Gustave Roussy Institute and the Curie Institute (Paris).
Collaboration with national hospitals
Here we provide a list of research centers in national hospitals with whom we collaborate in common research projects.
IRCAD, hôpitaux de Strasbourg
Pr. Marescaux and L. Soler : hepatic surgery simulation segmentation of abdominal structures from CT scan images and augmented reality for guidance in hepatic surgery [111] , [112] .
CHU de Nice, Hôpital Pasteur
We continue our collaboration with Dr. C. Lebrun-Frenay of the neurology department, and with Dr. Chanalet of the radiology department, within the framework of a study on the temporal evolution of MS lesion load.
CHU de Nice, Hôpital L'Archet
We continue our collaboration with Pr. Dellamonica and Dr. Vassallo of the infectiology department on the study of cognitive impairment in HIV patients.
CHU de Bordeaux
We have initiated a collaboration with Pr Michel Haïssaguere and Pr Pierre Jais on the modeling of cardiac electrophysiology and arrythmias.