Section: Dissemination

PhD Theses and Internships

PhD defended in 2011

  1. Liliane Ramus, Digital anatomical atlases for radiotherapy planning, Nice-Sophia Antipolis University, Jult 2011.

  2. François Chung, Regional shape and appearance modelling for deformable model-based image segmentation,École des Mines de Paris, January 2011.

  3. Barbara André, Smart Atlas for Endomicroscopy Diagnosis Support, École des Mines de Paris, October 2011.

Current PhDs

  1. Vikash Gupta, Diffusion tensor imaging of the brain: towards quantitative clinical tools, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University.

  2. Jan Margeta, , Nice Sophia-Antipolis University.

  3. Marine Breuilly, Tracking and quantification of tumour processes in rodents with SPECT imaging , Nice Sophia-Antipolis University.

  4. Ezequiel Geremia, Multi-scale computational models of brain tumors for medical image analysis, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University.

  5. Marco Lorenzi, Imaging Biomarkers in Alzheimer's Disease , Nice Sophia-Antipolis University, In collaboration with G. Frisoni, IRCCS Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy.

  6. Kristin Mc Leod, Modeling of Cardiac Growth and Deformation from Medical Images, Nice-Sophia Antipolis University. .

  7. Adityo Prakosa, Analysis and Simulation of the heart function from multimodal cardiac images, Nice-Sophia Antipolis University.

  8. Jatin Relan, Planning of radiofrequency ablation of the heart using electromechanical models personnalized from cardiac images and electrophysiological signals, Ecole des Mines de Paris.

  9. Christof Seiler. Prediction of the Bone Shape from Clinically Relevant Variables. Joint PhD between University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis and University of Bern, Switzerland.

  10. Erin Stretton, Modelling and simulation of brain tumor growth from time-series of 3-D MR images to improve diagnosis and therapy, Ecole des Mines de Paris.

  11. Hugo Talbot, Simulation of radiofrequency ablation of cardiac cells, University of Lille.

  12. Nicolas Toussaint, In vivo cardiac DTI , King's College London, London

Master Student

  1. Loic Le Folgoc, Tumor Growth Parameter Estimation and Source Localization From a Unique Time Point, Master MVA ENS Cachan and Ecole Centrale Paris.

  2. Vikask Gupta, Statistical atlases of diffusion tensor images, Master Computational Biology and Biomedicine, University Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

  3. Viateur Tuyisenge, , Master Computational Biology and Biomedicine University Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

  4. Manivannan Siyamalan, Interactive Medical Image Segmentation using Fast Graph Partitioning, Master Computational Biology and Biomedicine University Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

  5. Rocio Cabrera lozoya, Automatic Analysis and Indexation of Time-Series 4D Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images, Master Computational Biology and Biomedicine University Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

Participation to thesis committees

N. Ayache

participated as co-supervisor to the PhD thesis of Barbara André (Nice-Sophia Antipolis University), as chair to the PhD thesis of L. Ramus (Nice-Sophia Antipolis University) and Damiano Lombardi (University of Bordeaux) and as referee to the PhD thesis of François Chung (Ecole des Mines de Paris). He also chaired the jury of the Habilitation of Baudouin Denis de Senneville (University of Bordeaux).

Hervé Delingette

participated as co-supervisor to the PhD thesis of François Chung (École des Mines de Paris), as referee to the PhD thesis committee of H. Courtecuisse (Lille University), E. Olivi (Nice-Sophia Antipolis University) as reviewer to the PhD thesis committee of J-B. Lagaert (Bordeaux University), J. Schmid (Genève University).

Grégoire Malandain

participated as supervisor to the PhD thesis committee of Liliane Ramus (Nice-Sophia Antipolis University), as reviewer to the PhD thesis committee of Z.-Y. Sun (Paris-Sud university) and S. Sharma (Strasbourg University), as reviewer to the Habilitation committee of N. Passat (Strasbourg University) and R. Trebosen (Nice-Sophia Antipolis University).

Xavier Pennec

participated as reviewer to the PhD thesis committee of Le Yang (Dept of Mathematics, University of Poitier) and Rémi Cuingnet (University Paris XI Orsay), as member of the PhD thesis committee of Aristeidis Sotiras (Ecole centrale Paris) and as external examiner at the PhD viva voce of Marc Modat, University College London, UK.

Invited Lectures

We only give here the invited participations. Please refer to general references for the regular participation to conferences with a submission process.

  • Nicholas Ayache gave the following invited lectures:

    • at the French Academy of Medecine, Paris Dec 2011

    • at the Maison de la Chimie, Paris Nov 2011

    • at the Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval Workshop associated with the MICCAI'11 conference, Toronto, Canada, in Sept 2011.

    • at the 4th Cardiac Physiome Workshop, Cambridge University, UK, July 2011

    • at the ICCU Conference, Nice, FR, April 2011

    • at the Tata Institute, Mumbai, India, Feb 2011

  • Hervé Delingette gave invited lectures

    • at the CITRIS center of the Berkeley University (USA) on the digital heart on February 23rd,

    • at the EPSRC network meeting on Personalized Models in Swansea (UK) on April 11th,

    • at the mini-symposium on volumetric imaging and parameter identification of the national conference on computational meechanics (CSMA'11) in Giens (France) on May 11th,

    • at the 4th Cardiac Physiome Workshop in Cambridge (UK) on July 10th,

    • at the meeting organized by the european commission on the new research framework program on July 19th,

    • at the Newton Institute Seminar on inverse problems in Cambridge (UK) on August 26th,

    • at the MICCAI 2011 Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the heart (STACOM'11) on Sept. 22nd.

  • Grégoire Malandain gave an invited keynote talk at the Journées Scientifiques de la Société Française de Physique Médicale (June, 8-10).

  • Xavier Pennec gave invited lectures:

    • at the special session on Information Geometry Sciences of the 23rd GRETSI Symposium on Signal and Image Processing, Bordeaux, September 5-8 2011,

    • at the workshop Geometry for Anatomy, Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS), Banff, Alberta, Canada, Aug. 28 - Sep. 2, 2011,

    • at the Fields-MITACS Conference on Mathematics of Medical Imaging, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, June 20-24, 2011,

    • at the workshop on Manifold Learning, Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, May 30 - June 3, 2011,

    • at the Indo-French workshop on "Matrix Information Geometry (MIG)", Thales & Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, Februray 23-25, 2011,

    • at the Oberwolfach week on Trends in Mathematical Imaging and Surface Processing, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, January 30th - February 5th, 2011,

    • at the Colloquium "Le modèle et l'algorithme", INRIA Rocquencourt, March 3 2011.

    • at the UCL Center for Medical Imaging (CMIC), London, January 26, 2011,

    • at the Department of Computing, Imperial College, London, January 25, 2011.

  • Maxime Sermesant gave invited lectures:

    • at the SCMR (Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance) conference,

    • at the ESC (European Society of Cardiology) clinical conference,

    • at the Cardiac Physiome workshop in Oxford.

    He also gave an introduction lecture in Antibes and Nice high schools.

Nominations and Prizes

  • Nicholas Ayache was awarded an ERC grant in Oct 2011, to start in April 2012 with the collaboration of H. Delingette, X. Pennec and M. Sermesant.

  • Nicholas Ayache was elected CSO (Chief Scientific Officer) of the newly created IHU of Strasbourg (Institut Hospitalo Universitaire) in Nov 2011.

  • Xavier Pennec was elected a member of the MICCAI Society boards of Directors (2012-2016) and was nomited member of the working group on Incentive Actions (GTAI) of the Scientifical and Technological Orientation Council (COST) of INRIA (2011-2013).