Section: New Results
Participants : Rémi Douence, Abdelhakim Hannousse, Ismael Mejía, Jacques Noyé, Angel Núñez, Nicolas Tabareau, Mario Südholt.
We have provided results on three subject matters in the domain of aspect-oriented software development: the foundations of aspects, aspect languages and their applications, as well as the use of aspects for the manipulation of distributed systems.
As a side note on the form of this document, the reader should be aware that much of our work reported in this section is not exclusive to AOSD but also contributes to software composition issues in a larger sense. This applies, in particular, to the results cited in the subsections on aspect languages and distributed aspects.
Foundations of Aspects
In the domain of foundations of AOSD, we have mainly provided new results on the preservation of formal correctness properties in the presence of aspects and how AOP can be modeled using category theory.
Property preservation in the presence of aspects. In general aspects can arbitrarily change the semantics of the base program. We have identified categories of aspects that preserve class of properties of the base programs [17] . This approach makes it possible to prove once and for all that a category of aspects preserve a class of properties. The categories are defined with respect to the semantics of the woven program as well as with restricted aspect languages. In this latter case, languages are defined by grammars hence checking for property preservation boils down to a syntactic check for aspects. Classes of properties are defined using a subset of temporal logic both for sequential and concurrent programs. Our framework is abstract in that it does not depend on the actual programming language but only on conditions on its small step semantics.
AOP and category theory. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) started ten years ago with the remark that modularization of so-called crosscutting functionalities is a fundamental problem for the engineering of large-scale applications. Originating at Xerox PARC, this observation has sparked the development of a new style of programming that is gradually gaining traction. However, AOP lacks theoretical foundations to clarify new ideas showing up in its wake. We have proposed to put a bridge between AOP and the notion of 2-category to enhance the conceptual understanding of AOP [36] , [46] . Starting from the connection between the -calculus and the theory of categories, we have provided an internal language for 2-categories and shown how it can be used to define the first categorical semantics for a realistic functional AOP language, called MinAML.
We have later taken advantage of this new categorical framework to introduce the notion of computational 2-monads for AOP [37] . We have illustrated their conceptual power by defining a 2-monad for Éric Tanter's execution levels—which constitutes the first algebraic semantics for execution levels—and then introducing the first exception monad transformer specific to AOP that gives rise to a non-flat semantics for exceptions by taking levels into account.
Membranes for AOP. AOP aims to enhance modularity and reusability in software systems offering an abstraction mechanism to deal with crosscutting concerns. However, in most aspect-oriented languages aspects have a global view of computation that actually introduces a strong coupling between advised code and aspect code, hampering modularity. Proposals that address this problem can be classified in two categories: the first one focuses on controlling aspect scoping, i.e. the visibility of join points to aspects, while the second one focuses on protecting software units from aspects. As a new approach, we have proposed programmable membranes (inspired by the work of Boudol for distributed processes) to control aspect influence over software systems as a uniform framework that unifies and extends previous approaches [49] .
Aspects and invertible program restructurations. When one chooses a main axis of structural decomposition of a problem, the other axes become secondary. This is known as the tyranny of the dominant decomposition and this hinders program maintenance of secondary concerns. We propose to use automatic program transformations built on top of refactorers in order to solve this tyranny issue [47] . This offers a new approach to the expression problem by always providing the right view to the programmers.
Aspect Languages
This year we have provided major results on the integration of programming features for objects, events and aspects, and aspect execution infrastructures. Furthermore, we have investigated the application of aspect languages to the Java security model, component-based software development and software product lines.
Integrating OOP, AOP and EBP: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) has become the de facto programming paradigm. Event-Based Programming (EBP) and Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) complement OOP, covering some of its deficiencies when building complex software. Today’s applications combine the three paradigms. However, OOP, EBP and AOP have not yet been properly integrated. Their underlying concepts are in general provided as distinct language constructs, whereas they are not completely orthogonal. This lack of integration and orthogonality complicates the development of software as it reduces its understandability, its composability and increases the required glue code. [16] proposes an integration of OOP, EBP and AOP leading to a simple and regular programming model. This model integrates the notions of class and aspect, the notions of event and join point, and the notions of piece of advice, method and event handler. It reduces the number of language constructs while keeping expressiveness and offering additional programming options. ECaesarJ had previously been developed based on these ideas. [16] introduces a simpler variant of it, EJava, a plain extension of Java. [24] shows that these ideas can also be easily applied to Scala, leading to EScala, and focuses on the idea that the declarative events provided by the model can be seen as object-oriented events, which, unlike global typed events, obey to the basic OO principles (OO modular reasoning, encapsulation and late-binding). An efficient implementation of EScala is described, based on the idea that an event should not be produced in the absence of at least a consumer. This is equivalent to what could be programmed by hand using variants of the observer pattern, except that all the necessary scaffolding is provided by the language compiler and runtime rather than by the programmer.
Prototyping and composing Aspect Languages: [11] presents CALI (Common Aspect Languages Interpreter), a framework for rapid prototyping and composition of aspect languages based on interpreters. In practice the common interpreter is actually a thin interpretative layer built on top of Java and implemented as an AspectJ aspect. This interpreter implements common aspect mechanisms and leaves holes to be defined when developing concrete languages. The approach has been validated by implementing prototypes of significant subsets of well-known general-purpose and domain-specific aspect languages (AspectJ, EAOP, COOL and a couple of other small domain-specific aspect languages) and exploring variants of AspectJ. Languages implemented with CALI, for instance AspectJ and COOL, can then be easily composed.
Application to security: It is inevitable that some concerns crosscut a sizeable application, resulting in code scattering and tangling. This issue is particularly severe for security-related concerns: it is difficult to be confident about the security of an application when the implementation of its security-related concerns is scattered all over the code and tangled with other concerns, making global reasoning about security precarious. In [21] , we consider the case of access control in Java, which turns out to be a crosscutting concern with a non-modular implementation based on runtime stack inspection. We describe the process of modularizing access control in Java by means of AOP. We first show a solution based on AspectJ that must rely on a separate automata infrastructure. We then put forward a novel solution via dynamic deployment of aspects and scoping strategies. Both solutions, apart from providing a modular specification of access control, make it possible to easily express other useful policies such as the Chinese wall policy. However, relying on expressive scope control results in a compact implementation, which, at the same time, permits the straightforward expression of even more interesting policies.
Aspects and software components: The relationship of aspects and components, as well as their integration as part of real-world infrastructures and application is still subject to many open issues.
We have studied, in particular, how crosscutting concerns naturally appear when several architectural views must be considered at the same time. In this context, we have proposed a domain-specific language to specify these architectures. We have proposed an implementation of composable controllers in Fractal as well as composition operators that makes it possible to solve aspects interferences [25] . We have also shown how to formally model the implementation in Uppaal in order to statically check aspects interference [26] . This work has principally been undertaken in the context of the PhD thesis of Abdelhakim Hannouse [12] that has been defended in Sep. 2011.
Another fundamental issue that relates components and aspects is the question whether behavioral protocols can be used to concisely define crosscutting concerns of component-based systems. Furthermore, the protocols should then be instrumental to enable (automatic) reasoning about composition properties of component systems. As part of her PhD thesis (defended in Oct. 2011) [14] , Dong Ha Nguyen has defined a notion of aspects that allow crosscutting concerns to be expressed in terms of a class of non-regular behavioral protocols, so-called visibly-pushdown languages. She has developed, most notably, a constructive way of building correct component-based systems that respect such aspect-modified behavioral protocols. Furthermore, she has shown this year how composition properties can generally be verified using model checking techniques.
Aspects and software product lines: In [41] , we take a closer look at the difficulties of feature-oriented modularisation of product lines and demonstrate, using a case study in the domain of home automation, how a better modularisation can be achieved with the ECaesarJ programming language, through a type-safe and stable decomposition of a broad spectrum of software abstractions: classes, methods, events, and state machines, based on late binding and mixin composition. A nice property of this modularisation is that it directly captures, at the implementation level, the high-level decomposition in features, without requiring the user to resort on complex transformation technology (the technology is embedded in the compiler).
Furthermore, ASCOLA members have co-edited and contributed to a comprehensive book on aspects, model-driven engineering and product lines [42] (see Sec. 6.2 for details).
Aspects for Distributed Systems
In the field of aspects for distributed systems, we have mainly extended the AWED model for distributed aspects (see Sec. 5.1 ) in order to define and implement a gray-box distributed composition model. We have also worked on a notion of distributed crosscuts that enable causality relationships to be captured using logical clocks.
Gray-box distributed composition. Existing composition and coordination techniques for distributed applications typically support only interface-level (black-box) composition or arbitrary access to the implementation (gray-box or white-box composition). In [20] , we have presented a structured approach to the composition of complex distributed software systems that require invasive modifications. Concretely, we have provided three contributions:
We have introduced a small kernel composition language for structured gray-box composition using invasive distributed patterns.
We have motivated that gray-box composition approaches should be defined and evaluated in terms of the flexibility and control they provide; a notion of degrees of invasiveness has been introduced to help assess this trade-off.
We have applied and evaluated it in the context of several studies involving two real-world software systems: benchmarking of grid algorithms with NASGrid and transactional replication with JBoss Cache. As a main result, we have shown that gray-box composition using invasive distributed patterns allows the declarative and modular definition of evolutions of real-world applications that need moderate to high degrees of invasive modifications.
We have then provided a first framework-based implementation based on our AWED tool and applied it to evolution tasks in OpenMRS, a health information system [31] . The composition framework supports the definition of expressive pattern-based invasive compositions based on the skeleton paradigm for distributed patterns. Concretely, we have shown that the composition framework enables the concise definition of an evolution scenario of OpenMRS that supports the consolidation of patient data from different distributed instances.
Finally, we have studied a model that integrates distributed aspects and actors and thus improves on the robustness properties of existing models for distributed aspects [32] .
Causal aspects for distributed applications. In [45] , we have applied logical clocks à la Lamport in order to define causality between distributed join points. This enables us to declaratively define pointcuts in a distributed context such as web-based applications in JavaScript. The definition of advice can then be simplified, because they are executed only when necessary and do not have to maintain and check crosscutting information.