Section: Dissemination

Scientific animation

Jointly with the team Processus Stochastiques of IRMAR, ASPI organizes a working group on the Freidlin–Wentzell theory and its applications. One of the main goals of these talks is to study the theory of large deviations which describe how a metastable diffusion process evolves. Moreover, several talks are dedicated to simulation algorithms and applications (molecular dynamics, turbulence modelling)

François Le Gland has been a member of the committee for the PhD theses of Xuan–Binh Lam (université de Rennes 1, advisor: Laurent Mevel) and Christophe Avenel (université de Rennes 1, advisor: Étienne Mémin) and for the habilitation thesis of Frédéric Dambreville (université de Bretagne Occidentale).

François Le Gland is a member of the “conseil d'UFR” of the department of mathematics of université de Rennes 1.

Florent Malrieu is a member of the “conseil” of IRMAR (institut de recherche mathématiques de Rennes, UMR 6625).

Valérie Monbet is the director of the master on statistics and econometry at université de Rennes 1.