Section: Software
Participants : Bas Basten [correspondent] , Jurgen Vinju.
- Characterization:
A-3-up4, SO-4, SM-2-up3, EM-2-up3, SDL-4-up5, OC-DA-3-CD-3-MS-3-TPM-3.
- WWW:
- Objective
Statically detect ambiguity of context-free grammars for programming languages, as fast and precise as possible.
- Users:
Authors of context-free grammars of programming languages in SDF2, Rascal, ANTLR, etc
- Impact:
This is the first usable ambiguity detection tool, aiming to solve the Achilles' heal of context-free general parsing.
- Competition:
AmbiDexter is the fastest and most accurate tool currently available.
- Engineering:
AmbiDexter was developed by one person and will be maintained by another. It is 25 LOC in Java and distributed as a component of the Rascal IDE.
- Publications: