Section: New Results
Model Representation
As part of our work on core techniques for the specification and internal representation of models we would like to highlight:
Improved model typing. In order to represent metadata more accurately, we have worked on a functional typing system for megamodeling [18] . The basic idea is to consider transformations as functions, and to give them functional types that can facilitate the reasoning on them.
Virtual EMF [21] for the transparent Composition, Weaving and Linking of Models. Virtual EMF facilitates the global manipulation of an heterogeneous but related set of models by providing the illusion of having a single and unified view of the modeled system.
EMF Profiles [25] , a mechanism to enable users annotate existing models without polluting them (i.e. without directly changing their content).
Batch scripting support for the retrieval and manipulation of models from model repositories thanks to our new language MoScript [24]