Team Bamboo

Overall Objectives

Team Bamboo

Overall Objectives

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Project

  • Title: The Microme Project: A Knowledge-Based Bioinformatics Framework for Microbial Pathway Genomics

  • Coordinator: P. Kersey (EBI)

  • European partners: Amabiotics (France), CEA (France), CERTH (Greece), CSIC (Spain), CNIO (Spain), DSMZ (Germany), EBI (UK), HZI (Germany), Isthmus (France), Molecular Nertwork (Germany), SIB (Switzerland), Tel Aviv Univ. (Israel), Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), WTSI (UK), Wageningen Univ. (The Netherlands)

  • BAMBOO participant(s): Anne Morgat

  • Type: Collaborative Project. Grant Agreement Number 222886-2

  • Web page: http://www.microme.eu

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7

  • Title: System level analysis of animal metabolism by multicompartment graph- and constraint-based modelling

  • Coordinator: H. Charles (INSA Lyon, France)

  • BAMBOO participant(s): V. Acuña, H. Charles, C. Gautier, V. Lacroix, Y. Rahbé, M.-F. Sagot

  • European Partner: Angela Douglas, York University, UK

  • Type: ANR-BBSRC BioSys (2007-2011)


Major European Organizations with which you have followed Collaborations

  • Partner 1: Pierluigi Crescenzi, Univ. Florence, Italy

  • Algorithmic (graphs, trees, sequences), complexity

  • Partner 2: Ana Teresa Freitas, INESC-ID, IST Lisbon, Portugal

  • NGS, metabolism, small RNAs, motifs

  • Partner 3: Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela, Univ. Rome La Sapienza, Italy

  • Algorithmic (graphs, trees), complexity

  • Partner 4: Nadia Pisanti and Roberto Grossi, Univ. Pisa, Italy

  • Algorithmic (graphs, trees, sequences)

  • Partner 5: Leen Stougie, Free Univ. Amsterdam and CWI, the Netherlands

  • Algorithmic (graphs, trees), complexity