Section: Dissemination
Four members of the BAMBOO project are professors or associate professors at the University Claude Bernard in Lyon and at the INSA Lyon: Hubert Charles, Christian Gautier (émérite since Oct. 2011), Vincent Lacroix, and Cristina Vieira. They therefore have a full teaching service (at least 192 hours) except for Cristina Vieira who became since 2010 a Junior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France.
Various members of the EPI have developed over the years courses in biometry, bioinformatics and evolutionary biology at all levels of the University as well as at the "École Normale Supérieure" (ENS) of Lyon and the INSA ("Institut National de Sciences Appliquées"). Two members of the EPI have also in the past participated in, or sometimes organised courses or teaching modules at the international level: creation and support of a Master's course in Ho-Chi-Minh, Vietnam, and creation and direction of a PhD Program in Computational Biology in Lisbon, Portugal ( ).
The following are the HDR and PhDs defended in BAMBOO in 2011.
HdR: Etienne Birmelé, Étude structurelle des réseaux: modèles aléatoires, motifs et cycles, Université d'Évry, November 3
PhD: Alexandra Carvalho, Motif representation and discovery, IST, July 13, supervisors A. Oliveira and M.-F. Sagot
PhD: Nuno Mendes, Efficient algorithms for the identification of miRNA motifs in DNA sequences, IST, June 6, supervisors A. T. Freitas and M.-F. Sagot
PhD: Alexandra Popa, The evolution of recombination and genomic structures: a modeling approach, Université Lyon 1, May 24, supervisors C. Gautier and D. Mouchiroud