Section: Dissemination


Teaching at Universities

Most of us teach Computer Science at INSA Lyon or University Lyon 1:

  • Guillaume Beslon teaches at the computer science department of INSA-Lyon (computer architecture, bioinspired intelligence), 196h.

  • Carole Knibbe teaches at the computer science department of Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (programming, algorithmics), 196h.

  • Christophe Rigotti teaches at the 1er cycle department of INSA-Lyon (bases of computer science), 196h.

  • David Parsons teaches at the computer science department of INSA-Lyon (programming, C++, Prolog, Java), 196h.

  • Bérénice Batut, Jules Lallouette and Stephan Fischer are "monitors" at the dept. 1er cycle of INSA-Lyon (bases of computer science, mathematics), 96h each.

Three of us (G. Beslon, C. Knibbe and C. Rigotti) teach in the “Master d'informatique de Lyon” (Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon 1) and two of us (G. Beslon and C. Knibbe) teach in the “Modélisation des Systèmes Complexes” Master program of ENS Lyon. In 2011, we also taught in specific programs such as the Systems Biology minor of the Bioscience Master of ENS Lyon.

PhD supervision

  • Bérénice Batut – Period: September 2011-September 2014. Research topic: evolutionary origin of genome reduction in bacteria. Supervisors: Guillaume Beslon and Gabriel Marais (LBBE UMR CNRS 5558).

  • Bertrand Caré – Period: September 2009-September 2012. Research topic: impact of receptor clustering on cell's signaling. Supervisors: Christophe Rigotti and Hédi Soula.

  • Anne-Sophie Coquel – Period: September 2009-September 2012. Research topic: deciphering the molecular mechanisms underlying the role of protein aggregation in aging of E. coli. Supervisors: Hugues Berry and Ariel Lindner (INSERM U1001).

  • Stephan Fischer – Period: September 2010-September 2013. Research topic: mathematical re-modeling of the aevol framework. Supervisors: Guillaume Beslon and Carole Knibbe.

  • Jules Lallouette – Period: September 2011-September 2014. Research topic: Transport in complex networks: the case of mixed neuron/glial cell networks. Supervisor: Hugues Berry.

  • Gael Kaneko – Period: April 2009-April 2012. Research topic: modeling of the effect of chromatin dynamic on the stochasticity of gene expression. Supervisors: Guillaume Beslon and Olivier Gandrillon (CGPhyMC, UMR CNRS 5534).

  • Pierre-Nicolas Mougel – Period: September 2009-September 2012. Research topic: cross-mining of Boolean relations and graphs. Supervisor: Christophe Rigotti.

  • David P. Parsons – Period: September 2008-December 2011 (PhD defended on Dec. 8th 2011). PhD title: Sélection Indirecte en Évolution Darwinienne: Mécanismes et Implications. Supervisors: Guillaume Beslon and Carole Knibbe.


  • Bérénice Batut – In silico experimental evolution study of reductive evolution in bacteria. Département Bioinformatique (INSA-Lyon) and Master 2 "Modélisation des Systèmes Complexes" (ENS-Lyon). Advisor: C. Knibbe.

  • Yoram Vadée le Brun – Study of the R-aevol model. Master 2 "Modélisation des Systèmes Complexes" (ENS-Lyon). Advisor: G. Beslon.

  • Jules Lallouette – Simulation of calcium waves in astrocytes. Département Informatique (INSA-Lyon) and Master 2 "Connaissance et Raisonnement" (UCBL). Advisor: H. Berry.

  • Florian Thöni – Parallel experimental and computational evolution of L. pneumophila. Département Bioinformatique (INSA-Lyon). Advisor: G. Beslon.

  • Mathilde Dumond – In silico experimental evolution study of reductive evolution in bacteria. Département BioSciences (ENS-Lyon). Advisor: C. Knibbe.

  • Jean-Marie Gomes – The bidirectional response of cortico-striatal synapses to 2-arachidonyl-glycerol. Master 2 "Modélisation des Systèmes Complexes" (ENS-Lyon). Advisor: H. Berry.