CAIRN - 2011

Project Team Cairn


Project Team Cairn


Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

ANR Ingénérie Numérique et Sécurité - ARDyT (2011-2015)

Participants : Sébastien Pillement, Arnaud Tisserand, Philippe Quémerais.

ARDyT (in french: Architecture Reconfigurable Dynamiquement Tolérante aux fautes) is a project on a Reliable and Reconfigurable Dynamic Architecture. It involves IRISA-Cairn (Lannion), Lab-STICC (Lorient), LIEN (Nancy) and ATMEL. The purpose of the ARDyT project is to provide a complete environment for the design of a fault tolerant and self-adaptable platform. Then, a platform architecture, its programming environment and management methodologies for diagnosis, testability and reliability have to be defined and implemented. The considered techniques are exempt from the use of hardened components for terrestrial and aeronautics applications for the design of low-cost solutions. The ARDyT platform will provide a European alternative to import ITAR constraints for fault-tolerant reconfigurable architectures. For more details see http://ardyt.irisa.fr .