CAIRN - 2011

Project Team Cairn


Project Team Cairn


Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

ANR Ingénérie Numérique et Sécurité - DEFIS (2011-2015)

Participants : Olivier Sentieys, Daniel Menard, Romuald Rocher, Nicolas Simon.

DEFIS (Design of fixed-point embedded systems) is a project which involves Cairn, LIP6 (University of Paris VI), LIRMM (University of Perpignan), CEA LIST, Thales, Inpixal. The main objectives of the project are to propose new approaches to improve the efficiency of the floating-point to fixed-point conversion process and to provide a complete design flow for fixed-point refinement of complex applications. This infrastructure will reduce the time-to-market by automating the fixed-point conversion and by mastering the trade-off between application quality and implementation cost. Moreover, this flow will guarantee and validate the numerical behavior of the resulting implementation. The proposed infrastructure will be validated on two real applications provided by the industrial partners. For more details see http://defis.lip6.fr .