Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

CEA Projects

  • FR FCM (CNRS Federation on Magnetic Confinement Fusion) project within Euratom-CEA association, Title:"Full wave modeling of lower hybrid current drive in tokamaks" The goal of this projet is to develop a full wave method to describe the dynamics of lower hybrid current drive problem in tokamaks.

  • FR FCM (CNRS Federation on Magnetic Confinement Fusion) project within Euratom-CEA association, Title:"Numerical Methods for GYSELA", the goal is to help improving the numerical algorithms used by the GYSELA code developed at CEA Cadarache for the simulation of turbulence in magnetic fusion plasmas.

ANR projects

  • GYPSI project (2010–2014), https://sites.google.com/site/anrgypsi/ : coordinator Philippe Ghendrih (CEA Cadarache), other participants, University of Marseille, Universities of Strasbourg and Nancy (CALVI project-team). The aim is to understand the physics of turbulence in magnetically confined plasma using numerical simulation.

INRIA initiatives