Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR DEMOTIS (Collaborative Analysis, Evaluation and Modelling of Health Information Technology)

Participant : Marion Videau.

The project from “programme ARPEGE” involves three INRIA project-teams as a single partner (SMIS, SECRET and Caramel ) together with colleagues from CECOJI (CNRS) and the company Sopinspace. It has been running from January 2009 and will continue until the beginning of 2012.

The project experiments new methods for the multidisciplinary design of large information systems that have to take into account legal, social and technical constraints. Its main field of application is personal health information systems.

ANR CHIC (Courbes Hyperelliptiques, Isogénies, Comptage)

Participants : Gaëtan Bisson, Romain Cosset, Pierrick Gaudry, Sorina Ionica, Pascal Molin, Emmanuel Thomé [contact] .

The team has obtained a financial support from the ANR (“programme blanc”) for a project, common with colleagues from IRMAR (Rennes) and IML (Marseille). The ANR CHIC grant covers the period 09/2009 to 08/2012. The purpose of this ANR project is the study of several aspects of curves in genus 2, with a very strong focus on the computation of explicit isogenies between Jacobians.

This ANR project has been an important source of motivation for both permanent researchers and PhD students, giving notably PhD students the opportunity to meet interested colleagues on a regular basis. In 2011, a server with a huge large of central memory has been bought, to help with CHIC-related experiments. Two PhD thesis were defended (Bisson and Cosset) on the topic.