Section: Software

Testing Tools

Participants : Fabrice Bouquet, Frédéric Dadeau, Philippe Paquelier.

In December 2008, we have started the redevelopment of our original testing tools environment, with two objectives: first, refactoring the existing developments, and, second, providing an open platform aiming at gathering together the various developments, increasing the reusability of components. The resulting platform, named Hydra, is a Eclipse-like platform, based on Plug-ins architecture. Plug-ins can be of five kinds: parser is used to analyze source files and build an intermediate format representation of the source; translator is used to translate from a format to another or to a specific file; service denotes the application itself, i.e. the interface with the user; library denotes an internal service that can be used by a service, or by other libraries; tool encapsulates an external tool. The following services have been developed so far:

  • BZPAnimator: performs the animation of a BZP model (a B-like intermediate format);

  • Angluin: makes it possible to perform a machine learning algorithm (à la Angluin) in order to extract an abstraction of a system behavior;

  • UML2SMT: aims at extracting first order logic formulas from the UML Diagrams and OCL code of a UML/OCL model to check them with a SMT solver.

These services involve various libraries (sometimes reusing each other), and rely on several tool plug-ins that are: SMTProver (encapsulating Z3 solver), PrologTools (encapsulating CLPS-B solver), Grappa (encapsulating a graph library). We are currently working on transferringthe existing work on test generation from B abstract machines, JML, and statecharts using constraint solving techniques.