Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Grants

  • ANR SESUR AVOTÉ—Formal Analysis of Electronic-Voting protocols, duration: 4 years, started in January 2008. Electronic voting promises the possibility of a convenient, efficient and secure facility for recording and tallying votes. However, the convenience of electronic elections comes with a risk of large-scale fraud. The AVOTÉ project aims at proposing techniques for formally analyzing e-voting protocols. Cassis is the coordinator of the project. Partners are: France Telecom Lannion, LSV Cachan, Verimag Grenoble.

  • ANR DECERT — Deduction and Certification, coordinated by Thomas Jensen (IRISA). This project focuses on the design of decision procedures, in particular for fragments of arithmetic, and their integration into larger verification systems, including skeptical proof assistants. Partners are: IRISA Rennes, LRI Orsay, INRIA Sophia, Systerel and CEA. From INRIA Nancy, the teams Veridis and Cassis are involved. This project started in January 2009 for three years.

  • ANR TASCCC Test Automatique basé sur des Scenarios et Critères Communs – Automated Testing based on Scenarios and Common Criteria, duration: 3 years, starting in December 2009. The project aims at completing the model-based testing process initiated in the POSE project, using scenarios to specify the test cases that have to be generated by model animation. The goal is here to provide an automated means for generating the scenarios from a given set of properties. The overall objective is to ease the Common Criteria evaluation of secure softwares. Partners: Trusted Labs (leader), Gemalto, LIG, LIFC, Supelec, Smartesting, and Serma Technologies. The local coordinator is Frédéric Dadeau.

  • ANR PROSE Protocoles de sécurité : modèle formel, modèle calculatoire, and implémentations — Security protocols : formal model, computational model, and implementations, duration: 4 years, started in December 2010. The goal of the project is to increase the confidence in security protocols, and in order to reach this goal, provide security proofs at three levels: (i) the symbolic level, in which messages are terms, (ii) the computational level, in which messages are bitstrings, and (iii) the implementation level: the program itself. Partners are Cascade Paris (leader), LSV Cachan, Cassis and Verimag Grenoble.

  • ANR STREAMS Solution for Peer-to-peer Real-Time Social Web, duration: 3 years, starting in October 2010. This project proposes to design peer-to-peer solutions that offer underlying services required by real-time social web applications and that eliminate the disadvantages of centralised architectures. There exists a tension between sharing data with friends in a social network deployed in an open peer-to-peer network and ensuring privacy. One of the most challenging issues in social applications is how to balance collaboration with access control to shared objects. This project aims at providing theoretical solutions to these challenges as well as practical experimentations. Partners are: LORIA Score team (leader), INRIA project-teams Regal, Asap, Cassis, and XWiki.

  • ANR FREC Frontiers of recognizability, duration: 4 years, starting in October 2010. The goal of this project is to be a driving force behind the extension of the algebraic theory of regular languages made possible by recent advances. Four directions will be investigated: tree languages, λ-terms, automata with counters, algebraic and topological tools. Partners are LABRI (leader), LIAFA (University Paris 7). Pierre-Cyrille Héam is a member of this project, attached to Paris 7 for administrative facilities.

  • FUI SQUASH Software QUality ASsurance enHancement, duration: 2 years, starting in April 2011. This project aims to industrialize and to structure software testing activities. The project can be provide methodology and tools framework based on open source components.

  • ANR OSEP Online and offline model-based testing of SEcurity Properties, duration: 2 years, starting in December 2011. The goal of this project is to test the security with online and offline model-based testing approach. The main element of project is to capitalize or to reuse a test model with different testing method. So, we develop new algorithms to allow online testing. This approach must be compatible with our previous offline approach to increase the number of artefacts that can be shared. This approach can be applied to the components of security and the Software Radio. Partners are DGA and Smartesting.

  • Collaborative Research Initiative INRIA, ARC ACCESS. This project is concerned with the security and access control for Web data exchange, in the context of Web applications and Web services. We aim at defining automatic verification methods for checking properties of access control policies (ACP) for XML, like consistency or secrecy. Partners are: INRIA project-teams Dahu, Mostrare and Cassis.