Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry
Contracts with Industry
Contract DGA PEA (Exploratory Study Program) : “Security of the ad hoc routing protocols in the context of future tactical military networks” (2011-2012)
One of the objectives of future tactical networks is to allow non-hierarchical communications between FIST (Future Integrated Soldier Technology) troopers. In this context, ad hoc networks are a candidate of choice : they allow non-hierarchical routing, but also automatically handles the mobility of entities taking part to the network while enabling a fast and simple deployment. Hence, the goal of this contract it to study security of the ad hoc routing protocols in the context of future tactical military networks.
We first specified the global architecture of the future military tactical networks so as to identify the various use cases of ad hoc networks in this context. Then, we made a state of the art of the various ad hoc routing protocols, so as to define what protocols suit the best the various contexts of the future military tactical networks. We also studied the attacks that exist against the ad hoc routing protocols, and proposed attack scenarios in the context of future military tactical networks. We now are studying the security mechanisms that could be deployed to protect against these attacks. The main idea is to combine cryptographic solutions to protect against identity theft, and misbehavior detection solutions to prevent entities from sending deliberately false routing information. In the last phase of the study, we will develop a proof-of-concept demonstrating the utility of combining these two approaches to protect against attacks previously identified.
This study is led by Supélec and involves the University of Rennes 1 (CIDer Team) and OPEN, an IT service provider located at Rennes.
In 2011, four small contracts dedicated to experimental development in security, involving members of the CIDRE project and students of Supélec, have been realized. The objectives of these 4 projects were (1) the elliptic curves based signature of classical paper document such as invoices, (2) the detection of malicious phone calls on Android smartphones, (3), the secured visualization of documents on a computer screen (the user can be sure that the correct document is displayed), and (4) the detection of information leaks in documents that can be found on the web.