Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

INRIA International Partners

CANADA: Sébastien Gambs is co-supervising Ai Thanh Ho, a PhD student from the Université de Montréal with whom he has been actively collaborating for 2 years on the subject of privacy issues in social networking sites. The main supervisor of Ai Thanh Ho is Esma Aïmeur (full professor, Université de Montréal). Ai Thanh Ho has visited us in November 2011. In 2011, this cooperation has led to a joint publication [23] .

BRAZIL: Francisco Brasileiro, Professor at the Federal University of Paraiba (Campina Grande) was involved with us in a four years Capes/Cofecube project (2005-2009). We still cooperate with him on the dependability evaluation of cluster-based systems [15] .

We have also strong links with University of Brasilia (Brazil) and in particular with Prof. Rafael de Sousa (Brasilia) who has spent one year and an half in Supélec (March 2006 to August 2007). With his team, we study the concept of trust in the context of mobile ad hoc networks.

AUSTRALIA: With Queensland University of Technology (QUT, Brisbane) we cooperate to study policy-based intrusion detection problems. Jacob Zimmermann (QUT) spent one month in Supélec (January 2007). Two people from Supélec (Benjamin Morin and Ludovic Mé) visited QUT in September 2007. Andrew Clark (QUT) spent 3 months in Supélec from August to November 2009. The PhD thesis of Christophe Hauser, “Détection d'intrusions dans les systèmes distribués”, started in October 2009, is supervised jointly with Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia (Prof. Andrew Clarck). Since February 2011, Christopher Hauser works in Brisbane. His one year visit is supported by a grant from Rennes Métropole.

Visits of International Scientists

ALGERIA: Linda Zeghache, Phd student at USTBH-CEDRIC (université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumédiène, Algeria) visited us during one month in December 2010/January 2011. This cooperation has led to a joint publication in 2011 [33] .

CANADA: Frédéric Massicotte from the “Communications Research Centre Canada” has visited us in March 2011. The CRC is the federal government's primary laboratory for research and development in advanced telecommunications.

CHINA: Chuanyou Li, PhD student at Southeast University (Nanjing, China) is visiting us during a period of one year (December 2011 - November 2012). Since the end of a LIAMA project (2000-2002), strong relationships are maintained with the research team of Prof. Yun Wang of Southeast university. The joint works focus mainly on fault-tolerance in distributed systems and security in ad hoc networks.

Participation In International Programs

CIDRE participates to a project for the ICST Algeria program (Information and Communication Science and Technology). The title of the project is “Utilisation de la plate-forme de test Senslab pour le projet irrigsense”. This 2-year project (2011-2012) is leaded by the Project-Team DIONYSOS and involves two other INRIA teams ASAP, CIDRE. The CERIST represents the Algerian partner. The project focuses on using the senslab node of Rennes, for testing different protocols developed by the partners in the context of an algerian project which aims at using sensors for agricultural irrigation.