Project Team Compsys

Application Domains

Project Team Compsys

Application Domains

Section: Dissemination


  • Licence: Christophe Alias gave a L3 course on “Introduction to compilation” at ENSI Bourges and a L2 lab on “Architecture des ordinateurs” at Université Lyon 1.

  • Master 1: Christophe Alias gave a Master 1 course on “Compilation” at ENS-Lyon.

  • Master 2: Alain Darte gave a Master 2 course on “Advanced code optimizations” at ens -l yon. Laure Gonnord and Paul Feautrier contributed to this course too (2 hours each).

  • Master 1 and 2: Christophe Alias is organizer of the Winter Master School “Vérification et certification du logiciel” that will take place in January 2012 at ens -l yon, as part of the Master of ENS-Lyon.

  • Internships: Laure Gonnord and Christophe Alias co-supervised the undergraduate internship of Guillaume Andrieu, from the Engineering School Polytech'Lille. This internship lasted four months, from May 16th, 2011 to August 15th, 2011. The subject was about termination of big C programs. Alain Darte advised the M1 internship of Alexandre Isoard on retiming techniques for the streaming language Faust. Florian Brandner advised the M1 internship of François Gindraud on intermediate representations related to extensions of SSA.

  • PhD in progress: Quentin Colombet, “Advanced topics in register allocation”, started in January 2010, at ens -l yon. Advisors: Alain Darte, Fabrice Rastello.

  • PhD in progress : Guillaume Iooss, “Program analysis and optimization in the polyhedral model”, started in September 2011, at ens -l yon and Colorado State University. Advisors: Sanjay Rajopadhye (Colorado State University), Christophe Alias, Alain Darte.