Section: New Results

Miscellaneous results

Equilibrium strategies for linked Electricity and CO2 markets

Participant : Odile Pourtallier.

In collaboration with M. Bossy (INRIA -TOSCA Team) and N. Maïzi (CMA - Mines Paristech) O. Pourtallier the study of equilibrium model for coupled electricity and CO2 allowance exchange markets has been pursued. (see also Section 7.1 ). A static equilibrium model has been studied under various assumptions on the CO2 market design. All the CO2 market designs do not lead equilibrium, which interfers on the (short term day ahead) electricity market, which in turn interfers on the electricity mixe and consequently on the total emission.

Together with El-Hadj Dia (INRIA -TOSCA Team) we have also pursued an indifference pricing methodology which is presented in more details in INRIA -TOSCA Team section.

Symbolic tools for modeling and simulation

Participant : Yves Papegay.

This activity is the main part of a long-term ongoing collaboration with Airbus whose goal is to directly translate the conceptual work of aeronautics engineers into digital simulators to accelerate aircraft design.

An extensive modeling and simulation platform has been designed which includes a dedicated modeling language for the description of aircraft dynamics models in term of formulae and algorithms, and a symbolic compiler producing as target an efficient numerical simulation code ready to be plugged into a flight simulator, as well as a formatted documentation compliant with industrial requirements of corporate memory.

Implementation of this platform is a modeling and simulation environment based on symbolic computation tools. It contains several components :

  • a model editor, that makes it possible and easy to enter the whole set of equations describing large and complex industrial models,

  • an highly interactive and modular evaluation workbench allowing to simulate the models and to visualize the results inside the modeling environment with the benefits for the designer of being able to directly use all its computational functionnalities.

  • a C code generator which, using these models, automatically generates the numerical real-time simulation engines

  • a technical documentation generator

During the year 2011 the technology demonstrated by our prototype has been transferred to our industrial partner. A lot of work has been done on our modeling and simulation environment to improve its robustness and its development level of quality toward industrial standards. Final version of our prototype is to be delivered to Airbus at the end of the year.

Multi-agent aircraft design

Participant : Yves Papegay.

The modeling environment described in the previous section is used, in collaboration with other teams at Airbus, in the framework of the ID4CS project founded by ANR and dedicated to multi-agent optimization of large scale system. Several models of aircraft engines and of aircrafts have been developed as user cases for the project. Automatic generation of extended models namely computing first order derivatives of the original models has been implemented.