Section: Dissemination
Administration of the universities and research institutes
M. Chavent is co-director of the cursus Modélisation Statistique et Sochastique of the master MIMSE Ingénierie Mathématique, Statistique et Economique of the University of Bordeaux.
B. de Saporta is president of the "Congress and Colloquium" commission of the INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest.
B. de Saporta is a member of the editorial board of SO News, the journal of INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest.
B. de Saporta is correspondant of the cursus Ingénierie Economique of the master MIMSE Ingénierie Mathématique, Statistique et Economique of the University of Bordeaux.
B. de Saporta is in charge of the seminar of the team ”Statistics and Probability” of the Institute of Mathematics of Bordeaux (IMB).
B. de Saporta is an elected (deputy) member of the CNU 26.
F. Dufour is member of the scientific council of the engineering school ENSEIRB-MATMECA.
F. Dufour is now vice-president of the INRIA Project Comity.
J. Saracco is member of the commission INRIA ”Jeunes Chercheurs”.
A. Gégout-Petit is member of the CEVU (Conseil des Etudes et de la Vie Universitaire) of the Bordeaux Segalen University.
A. Gégout-Petit is member of the Council of the Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux.
J. Saracco is the leader of the team ”Statistics and Probability” of the Institute of Mathematics of Bordeaux (IMB). J. Saracco is an elected (deputy) member of the CNU 26.
H. Zhang is director of the cursus Ingénierie Mathématique of the Licence de Mathématiques of the University of Bordeaux.